Sunday, May 15, 2011

Blogging Less and Less :O

Someone else is using my quotes for blog titles now :O So I can never think of anything good for mine anymore :S
I missed a super fun party bus to comfort mah sick girlfriend. And while the party bus sounded really fun,  I am very glad I stayed with the Sea Otter :) We had a good time :P Mostly just watching movies and stuff and just general being-with-each-other-ness

Life is pretty good right now :D There's only one thing. And I don't know why it annoys me :O I can't explain it! Sometimes the relationship between the Sea Otter and the Sea Anemone bugs me D:

But I really don't know why it bugs me :S I don't think it should... It's little things that will set me off :S And I really truly do not know why they bug me. And they ask me why and I can't explain it and then that makes them annoyed D: They think I'm just not telling them but I really don't know! But it keeps bugging me! I think it's a bit of jealousy. I feel like if I can't give the Sea Otter what she needs she will just go to the Sea Anemone. The Sea Otter was trying to get me to blog (before I started writing this) and I didn't feel like it. So she asked the Sea Anemone to blog :O And when she did that I got this horrible feeling D:

I can't think of any other examples off the top of my head because when people tell me to blog I don't have it really fully prepared in my head :S So the blog isn't as good. I remember the good old days when one blog was one really long fleshed out idea...

I have a lot of things on my mind that I'm thinking about right now. And I know I've been blogging less and less lately. And I feel like it might be because I'm getting less and less comfortable putting things out there. There are some things I should keep to myself. Because people over react to things.

And I feel like I have so much to say. But I can't put it into words. I don't know what I'm feeling. And people bug me to blog and I don't want to right now. I just don't.

As I said before. I miss when I used to blog with a real purpose. Now I blabber endlessly..with no real focus. I want to wait until I can really really realllly blog.

I have a relationship and I could blog about that. But I know she'll read it. And knowing that might change what I say. And does it matter if I'm only going to say good things? I don't know. I think it gives the things less value. Am I really saying them because I feel them or only because it makes her happy? I think it's because I feel them! But sometimes I worry it's not. Like I'm playing some elaborate trick on myself :S

I do have one conclusion. I hate the noise msn makes. It makes me want to punch things. Like a lot.... And I don't know how to turn it off! >=

FUCK. I'm taking a break from blogging. I'm sorry readers D: Who await my every word! Drooling over your computers in anticipation.

I will return! BETTER THAN EVER!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Emotes are so very important when you're talking to someone in texts or on the internet! At least to me they are :O They add a facial expression to what you're saying which gives the person reading it an idea of the emotion behind it! You can tell if someones being sarcastic, or is snapping at you. You can tell if someone is in a good mood or a bad mood!

When people don't use emotes I have no clue how to feel about what is being said because I don't know how they feel. And being a negative nancy I will usually assume someones in a bad mood or is angry with me :P


So my friends did that thing they always do where I don't want to go to something and they bug me and bug me and bug me and bug me and bug me until I suck it up and go :P And I almost always end up having fun :P I say it's cause I'm sick but it probably isn't :P I'm just nervous about social situations I haven't experienced before D: And I haven't been on too many party buses, let alone with a girlfriend! :O So you know... :$

Anywayssss. I got the besssst birthday present anyone ever gave me about a week ago? or so.. I have never gotten anything like this before :O It made me feel amazing :) I don't really feel comfortable saying what it is...cause. I don't know :P I've got to keep SOME THINGS private right? lol

And by the way...Playstaion Network? If you're not back Sunday at the LATEST. I will go to Japan and jump up and down until another earthquake happens. Just sayin'

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Forced Cannabalism and Hugs :3

Okay so first of all. It's Mothers Day and I love my mommy. I got a pretty sweet one and am a pretty hardcore momma's boy if I may say so myselfff. I went out and bought her a hanging basket of flowers this morning :P That's my usual mothers day thing is I get up and first thing I go buy her flowers :P The living kind not the kind thats been decapitated and will slowly decompose in our kitchen. So I've made blog posts about how awesome my mom is before so i won't do another one. But she's awesome :P

Oh and another thing. I think I'm sick right now? I feel kinda shitty lol Headache is constant, sore throat and general tiredness. But I'm not going to change anything I'm doing. That is not the Sea Cucumber way :P The Sea Cucumber ignores that he is sick and does everything he normally would do! Even during school I'm pretty sure I missed a week of school in grade 7ish throwing up and then never missed anything after that. If I did I was skipping and not sick xD (Sorry teachers :P)

I watched the social network last night. I'm pretty sure most of that movie is straight bullshit :P That is all. xD


I usually prefer not to discuss how much money I have. But someone always wants to know. And when I tell them they tell me how jealous they are and stuff. And they ask why i don't have a car yet and why I still live at home and why I always wear the same clothes and why I never get new things.

Well because I don't do all those things is why i have money. I'm not going to tell the world what I've got saved up because it's not everyones business and I refuse to brag about this kind of thing. I've never got how some people can have no money saved and continue to buy new phones and clothes all the time :S

I will never understand thattt.

Me? I'm buying the parentals car after I finish my program for cheapness. And it's in good condition. I'll get my nice job and I'll live at home for maybe another year before I move out :P I've got my plan all set and I'm not straying. I'm not going to go spend 400 dollars on strippers in a weekend no matter how much my friends want me to :P


Playstation Network. I had to mention it eventually. It's been down for weeks. And up until now I've been doing a darn good job of distracting myself with my awesome girlfriend and my friends :P But I need it back D: I NEED IT BACK D: I NEED CALL OF DUTY. I WANT TO PLAY.

Also. What is more yummy? Orange suckers or Yellow suckers :P THEY ARE BOTH SO GOOD. WHAT DO I SUCK ON FIRST?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I Sound Like a Teacher From Charlie Brown?

Sometimes no one listens to Anthony even if he makes his opinion very clearrrrrrrr. Sometimes I'm not sure if they just accidentally ignore what I say or if they hear it but it isn't what they want to do so they pretend I didn't say it :O Who can ever really know? :O

It can be quite frustrating.

Oh and you know what else bugs me. People who like to be fashionably late. I know one or two of those guys. And it just pisses me off lol I know you know when what we are doing started and I know you aren't doing shit and are just sitting at home lol

Edit: Man that man period sucks ass dont it? ^^ I always come back and re read things and realize I need to calm my tits.

Even with these things I still had a pretty good time with cheesecake and cookies and mah friends watching Machete kill people last night :P Note my previous blog post? :P lol

Taking the Sea Otter (formerly known as girlfriend but is still my girlfriend but wont be known by that name anymore) out do dinner and a movie on Saturday :) A REAL ORGANIZED DATE? ME? Yeah. I do those occasionally :P

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Is that a rainbow in my toilet? Why is this happening. I kinda wanna take  apicture because no one is going to believe me that I shti out a rainbow, Does that mean I'm a wizard? He didn't spell shit right either. It even tells you you dont spell things right you know. So if you type everything I say if I say something thats bad towards you... why did my turtle run away? Pretzel says "I love Taylor Lautner" Is that how you spell his name? I dont think thats how you spell his name because it has a little squiglee under his name. But then again...SLURPEE. APPLE POTATO BIG MUSCLE PIE SAW DOUGHNUT CHEESE CAKE COCA COLA BOTTLE LAMP PS3 STERO PILLOW KLEENEX BOX SOME STRANGE STAING


\\THIS IS GOING TO CONFUSE THE SHIT OUT OF PEOPLE. nuuuuu whyyyyyy! did you type that in *clayton impersonates meagan* "NUUUUU WHYYYYYYY. THATS YOU. thats how you sound|"

Hehehehe. I hate you. Hehehehe. Why is that still playing. Its been playing for like an hour! Elephantitis on the balls. Supercalifradjilisticexpealadocious. You spelt it wrong. ITS IN THE DARK! You spelt it wrong.

You cant type what you say thats cheating. We're really posting this I hope you know that. We have to. People are going to think you're schizophrenic. BITCHESSSSSS. I was just gunna say good job. Wow thats good spelling. Hehehehe. Huuuuuuuuha. Cheesecake. So can we squeeze your girlfriends boobs now? QUESTION MARK>


glory hole
kum soon kim
you spelt it right? yeah i remember you told me it a long time ago. i remembered. november. if i dance will you type that in? im just going to keep talking now.

LALALALALALAAAAAAAAAAAA whos foot is that? mine. i wonder if i can tickle it with my foot. With my goo? FOOOOOT. Gooch? He said foot. I know and I typed in gooch. You're weird. you just missed that whole conversation by the way. im going to take a nap on that couch im tired. cause ive been....

awake for eight hours now?

eight and a half hours thank you very much. oh oh oh oh im sorrry. snap snap snap snap/ hehehhe. theres a song that goes like that. i love that song. i wanna listen to that song now. your vag. no one cares.

i think thats what he said. no. he said "third batch"... oh....


i should be a typing artist like seriously. you know its called a typist and there are jobs like that. like YOU HEAR THIGNS AND TYSL8EEJM KY 6EFE=\EWPMjm8h8741JH123369nb8557/ALLS IN MV

move your car. stop touching my boobs. theyre delicious. i hope so. i dont know i didnt eat one but they said they were good and i didnt eat one.

everyones a hater. xan i show you a video? im going to show it anyway.


Monday, May 2, 2011

CUM STAINS + Parades + L

Yeah. I went dirty for this one. Sorry xD My dad always used to say that he wanted to name his dog "Stains" so he can go to the park and yell "Cum Stains!" and no one could get mad :P

I had a pretty amazing weekend :) I spent a lot of it with my two best friends and my gurrrrrrrl :P Scary Movies and being a total lightweight for the win! lol

And morning cuddling :P That shit rocks :D

Anyways back on to real topics that aren't just about my life. GENERALITY FOR THE WIN!!

You ever see a possible couple and realize that if they got together there are people out there that might get angry? :O Some people have problems letting go of things... It's funny because I had this girlfriend once and she broke up with me. And my friend kinda sorta wanted to go out with her. And I let him :)

I didn't like it. But my reasoning was that it was my problem with what someone else wants to do. And I don't really get to dictate how other people live their lives. So I told him he could date her and all lived happily ever after! :) I dealt with any issues I had on my own because they were my issues. And I got over it :P

That's my opinion on that kind of thing anyways. If someone has a problem, it's their problem. Don't let them rain on your parade. And don't tell me I don't know because I was the one with the problem, I know what it's like! :P

Now on tooo the "L" word :O I've used it for two people now. The first time I wasn't 100% sure about it when I said it and I know I was wrong...but how was I supposed to know? I still had felt things I hadn't before then and wasn't sure about what they were :O lol But watcha gunna do? :P It takes time to learn the meaning of the word. Can I say 100% absolutely utterly I have learned what it is? Hell no. But I'm closer than I have been before! And that means I'm on the right track :) <3

Oh and I'm turning 19 in just over a week. I'm so unbelievably pumped.


Here's a meme :3 PARANOID PARROT

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Okay. So this won't be long but it all needs to be said.

I don't want to sound like mr.popular who is being a whiny bitch. Because I'm not, and I'm not.

There is a lot of demand from everywhere for my constant conversation.

This has resulted in two things: 1) I have a lot less time for myself. And I'm not used to that. and 2) I sometimes run out of things to say and can't always be interesting. Other times I read a text and forget I ever even got it because I can't reply right away. I've ended up not even really talking to a couple of people anymore who i really like talking to.

At this point I'm always either a) at school texting people or b) at home on msn

I can't play many video games because I'm pausing them constantly. Or losing matches because I need to quit or am dying because I'm AFK. Not that that happens right now cause PSN is still down...

But you get it!

I must say though even though all the people around me are the cause of my current stresses. They are always really supportive when I go to talk about any stress. And that's why I go through the stress of keeping the friends? Endless cycle of friendship? xD

And the girlfriend is really understanding of either a) me needing time alone or b) anything really! :)

Not much to conclude. That's the blog post/ Read it cause you're bored and think about it for a short time? :P

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Am Hiccupping

The entirety of this blog post. I had the hiccups.

I will never understand people who get really scared from scary movies and have it last to when they get home. I\'m just different I guess? For me, a scary movie is like an amusement park ride. Once it's over, so is the scare. And I watch scary movies because I like being scared!

Not that I want to say people who are scared by scary movies are pussies.......but....Iunno. I just don't get it lol

It's not real! Even the stuff based on real events is so crazily misrepresented and supremely unlikely, what is the point of being scared of it? You might as well be afraid of having a plane land on you.


Oh my god. Canucks game 7 tonight...I think I will cry. Scratch that, I KNOW I will cry if we lose. It's just so much of an emotional investment in the team that it's so hard to handle when they fail. I know I care way too much but I can't help it.

I wonder how many calls to 911 there are every year during the playoffs that involve canucks fans that have had heart attacks. I'm guessing at least 20.


Playstation Network has been down 6 days now and they want to have it back up "within another week"

Turns out any information you had associated with your account may have been stolen, including credit card info. Makes me glad I always add the info for the purchase and then remove it immediately after. Even if I plan  on making another purchase another time.

What's even dumber is that Sony waited 6 days to tell us that our information was compromised.


IM HICCUPPING. I know all it takes is a glass of water to fix it but thats so far awayyyyyyy...


Oh and I had a pretty good weekend :) I saw my girlfriend...kind of every day I guess :P I enjoyed it a lot :3 Kinda think she might be a girl I could spend a really long time with :) Which would be nice :)


Nerd Rage. It's a real thing. I was raging so hard at the final boss on Mortal Kombat last night I almost punched many things...HE IS SO UNFAIRRRRR!!!!

I never feel more manly than when I nerd rage...oh wait....actually there are other things that make me feel more manly ;) lolol

That's another blog post for another time :P

I feel like I've been depriving my very very avid readers. But I haven't. Because I've been hanging out with you. Because there is a 99% chance you are a close friend of mine lol

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Fortunate Fool :P

Holy fuck people actually do care when I go a couple of days without blogging xD

Mmkays so you know what rocks? Laying with someone with your arms around them or hands on them in various ways listening to Jack Johnson in the dark. That's all I need. For like 15 minutes there life was freakin' complete lol

You know you're with someone kind of cool when you can do absolutely nothing exciting and still have fun :P And when you can share a good long silence or two without it being awkward. Uma Thurman taught me in Pulp Fiction. One of my favourite movies of ALL TIME :D

Jack Johnson - Fortunate Fool

Man I met a lot of cool people at the last party I went to :) Loads of fun :P

But it's funny because I am meeting these people through my girlfriend right? And I bring some of my friends. All of these people who know my girlfriend meet me as "the boyfriend" and while they're still my new friends. They will always think of me as "the boyfriend" :P But hey, it's better than not meeting anyone :) While the friends I bring get to meet a bunch of new friends as normal friends :P

What else has happened since i last blogged? I got a giant new bed. It is awesome.

Also. Playstation Network has been down for 2 days now. In a few moments I will go and check if it is working again. If it isn't, tears will be shed. There shall be no doubt of that.

Watched Scarface tonight, a really classic story.

If only Tony Montana knew how to be content with what he had. But his endless quest for more pushed him past the limit D:

Sometimes people need to just be happy with what they've got. Things are allowed to stay the same for a while. Some people might call it "being in a rut" but I would call it "getting comfortable."

It sounds cliche to dumb it down to telling people to "stop and smell the roses." But most cliches are around because they're true.

Okay. Finally. Harry Potter.

I loved the books as a kid. They rocked. They're even still not that bad today. Although I like Artemis Fowl more :P

ANYWAYS. The movies? The ones when they are little are just boring and suck. The more recent Harry Potter movies have been better. I don't know why I don't like them :S Maybe cause nothing can live up to the way the books were for me the first time I read them. And since I read through the series a couple of times before movies were coming I'm kind of bored of the storyline by now lol

Anywaysss. I'll blog tomorrow I'm tired :P A SEA HORSE IS BACK FOR A LONG TIME AND I AM HAPPY :)

Monday, April 18, 2011


So much to blog about...

I feel like there are a couple of my friends out there who aren’t liking me much anymore. Mostly because they never see me D: I’m so busy it’s unbelievable. If it’s not school it’s girlfriend time and if it’s not girlfriend time it is friend time.  Anything else is just a filler when the first 3 aren’t being done lol I find it annoying when people don’t plan things ahead of time :S You can’t just call me up and expect me to go for a movie. A lot of times it can’t be done.

And you know what? That really isn’t my fault. I haven’t played video games in two days. And guess what? That is actually an astoundingly long time for me considering I rarely watch tv and video games are my main hobby.

Today I argued with stupid Telus people. Selfish classmates. Faulty equipment that wasted an hour and a half of my time trying to troubleshoot it. And I lost a 30 dollar tool at school that was most likely stolen and not lost.

At least I finally beat a Sea Monkey at Super Smash Bros and ate some yummy chocolate cheerios from AMERICA FUCK YEAH.

I also feel like I’m getting treated a lot differently and less important by a female friend I really care about >.> But maybe it just appears that way for now :P Maybe we’re just not on co-operative schedules right now lol

Oh and another friend. I sent him a text telling him that he couldn’t keep treating me the way he did by bringing up a topic and just getting angry whenever we discussed it and ending conversation. He never responded. And hasn’t made any effort to contact me since, oh wait he contacted my girlfriend who he barely even knows to ask about it though.

Wow. Feel like I never said so much frank things in one blog post :S But that’s they way I feel.
Anyways. Starting something new in school tomorrow. Hopefully it won’t be horrible? But I don’t have my hopes up lol

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sooo Stuff?

DAMNIT.  I swear Ima never blog again if this thing keeps closing my freaking posts that I am pretty much done typing >.>

Seriously it makes for a bad blog post when I have to re-type things out. Cause I don't flesh out my ideas :( Ima blog tomorrow. I'm sorrrrry people who actually want me to bloggggg :P

Thursday, April 14, 2011


This is proof right? RIGHT? :P

ANYWAYS. I've been trying to avoid blogging about having a girlfriend. But I do. So I guess I kinda have tooo :P

It's funny. There's things you miss about being in a relationship when you are single. And when you are in a relationship there are things you miss about being single. Not to say I prefer being single :P lol

Well I've seen this...oh my god...I don't have a sea name for her :O And I think I'm out of sea creatures whose names start with the word "sea" :P I guess I'll just call her "girlfriend" for now xD Till a better term can be found for everyday blog usage :P I fail D: lol

ANYWAYS. I really like this girl :P She is beautiful and she likes cool things I like (mostly :P) and she tolerates me and gets my jokes (most of the time :P) OH! And she eats pie the same way I do. Which is a special way. Ask me next time you see me! lol

Anyways. I've seen her about every day since we started dating I think :P And it's because I wanted to :) But now I can't see her for five days because of various things we have scheduled.

And while that does suck for us D: It makes time for all my awesome friends who I don't feel I see enough of anymore! So the glass is half full :)

I don't know. She is pretty amazing and I'd really like it to last :P But I don't really want to get my hopes up super high again, although its hard not to :P


Next item on the list. I love hockey. Go Canucks Go! That is all.


Grandmas of the world. Do not try to pick up girls for your grandsons. Even if the girl looks like tinkerbell and your grandson looks like Bradley Cooper. It's still weird. Just sayin'

If my grandma tried to tell me she found a good girl for me I would immediately turn off my brain for the rest of the conversation and think about Giant Robots. I LOVE GIANT ROBOTS. YOU LOVE GIANT ROBOTS. WE LOVE GIANT ROBOTS. CHICKS DIG GIANT ROBOTS.

---> Oh and if you're cool and read this but don't know me. And I think there might actually be one or two of you out there. Add a Sea Anemone on facebook xDDD She's single ;) Any grandmas want to check her out for their grandsons? :P

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My Biggest Pet Peeve

 Someone asked me what my biggest pet peeve was the other day :O I usually think it's a cliche question thats kinda dumb :P But I had no clue what mien would be :O I couldn't think of one. But NOW I think I know what it is.

It is when someone forgets they have plans with you. Because then you feel like you don't matter all that much :( And then they try to bring you into the plans and you feel like they're just trying to be nice and don't really want you therrre.

Whatever... <--- Oh, and I hate when people say that. It means they're annoyed D:

And when you know you're being dumb but you feel like you're being replaced because now instead of having plans made with you, you keep getting told about how plans are getting made with other people and after you're getting squeezed into them all the time >.>

Maybe im just on that man period D: What day is it?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I typed this out and closed it twice. IM RAGING.

*Posts ambiguous facebook status that attacks someone I know who I am in conflict with. But it's so ambiguous even they aren't sure if it's attacking them or someone else. If you like the status you are picking my side in the conflict. If you comment to try and get clarification then "you don't understand anything and it's none of your business." You won't comment if you disagree because then you are bringing the conflict into a public forum where everyone can see it. It's all your fault for doing that. Even though I made the original attacking status*

And holy crap. The next month or two or three is going to be absolutely nuts. There's parties and party buses and concerts and school and my new girlfriend and all my other friends that need to fit! lol I might die but I'll do my best to make it to the finish line still partying xDD Seriously I have my bday one day, System of a Down the next and a party bus the day after? lolol

And I'm pissed at the stupid bloggy thing breaking so ima blog again tomorrow :P promise! :P

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Third Times the Charm?

Title :P

Friday, April 8, 2011

It Was Fear Of Myself That Made Me Odd

Mannn. Well I feel like most of the recent drama has ended. Only really think one person is still holding on to it :S But I think that's in her nature. I can't blame her for it. I don't think I'll ever even get what that was all about xD

I'm not sure why but I bottled up a teensy bit of rage from whatever the last little while. Maybe it's listening to all the shit that got thrown around lol

Some people are just bugging me :S

I managed to yell at my mom for about 5 minutes because she ordered the wrong pizza for me :S It was one of those "No one ever listens to Anthony" moments that sort of brought together the frustration of a lot of those moments that have happened in the last couple of days :S

It's been people in class giving me incorrect information about the right type of screws or something (when they had the different, correct screw type) and I (assuming they were correct) completed my project. And fucked up all my boxes and had to restart at the very beginning. I was pretty much done. I was pissed and almost raged at the girl but I didn't...I saved it for two days later for my mom :S

I felt so bad :( But in the moment I was PISSED.

At least tonight will be good. I need to relax!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Herpin and Derpin

Days of Our Lives? Or Degrassi? Are we old enough for it to be Days of Our Lives yet? xD

Man I am so stressed right now D: Basically all I am doing is school and talking to people. So much talking sometimes... Everyone has an opinion on me or someone else or my interactions with people.

So much so that it might end up hampering my ability to have fun times with my best friend D: Because people look strange at us if we spend time alone together. Cause I'm a male and she's a a female >.>

It's bugging me D: I have my heart pretty much set on spending time with her and others at Rathrevor Beach this summer on the island after I get out of school. But it's expensive and not a lot of people have the money D: So people want to do something like go to Golden Ears! Which is great and fun! But Sea Anemone and I can't go alone because we're pretty much not allowed to according to our friends :S So if people don't go with us to Rathtrevor Beach we either don't get to go, or get weird talking to's from people :S 

I know it will be expensive. I just don't feel like it's fair that we have something we both really want to do and might be hampered from doing it :S

^^^ Although I must admit it is a long ways ahead of time. And I would be very willing to do a second camping trip nearer the end of summer to Golden Ears or something. But I really want to get some people to Rathtrevor :)


Now there are so many other things too D:

Anyways. There's this girl who is a bit flirty. But she's always been that way. Hasn't changed one bit. Interestingly there is this guy who is pretty flirty himself (in my opinion, and thats all it is. Im not going to say he is for sure, its my own judgement)

And yet it seems much more okay when he flirts with girls who are a) in relationships or b) liked by whoever. But if the girl does it with men, it's taken in a bad way.

I just don't understand that :S


Okay. Now that all that is out of the way. I'm a teensy bit slow at the work in the shop at school D: I'm the slowest in my class actually... But I do it right! And am improving :P Even if I hurt myself with my tools daily xDD

It is fun.

I made a three way switch that controls a real light today! :)

It's funny. Last coupla days haven't been loads of fun :P I am still holding onto the (mostly) fun times that was the last party bus :) I met this really amazing girl :)




Okay I lied. I knew her before the party :P But I wanted to sound like a playyaaaaa xDD But I hadn't seen her in a long time :O I'm really glad I saw her again, needless to say :P Hope I get to see her a lot more in the future :)


I really hope camping works out :) I wouldn't be one to have a bunch of people excluded if they can't afford the trip to the island D: So I would very much like to do a second camping trip :) But I would also like people to try and do what they can to make it to the one currently being organized :)

EDIT: I just want to say. That most of any disagreements i'm hearing about seem really silly to me :S They must have been simmering for a long time because some of the things never seemed to bug people before :S

I'm also very anti-disagreement D: I don't like stuff like this. I like people to be happy and get along :) I really don't like disturbances in the force :P

Monday, April 4, 2011

Marinate the Nether Rod in the Squish Mitten?....that's dirty! :O

 (Prepare for a long one)

Man I feel like I have to blog :S Sometimes I just don't wanna. I mean I have lots to say but don't always wanna blog about it :P

Mmkay. So how to do this without making assumptions and making an ass out of you and me....

Well my two of my best friends broke up after a year and a half the other day D: Now I don't want to talk any shit about who is right or wrong or any of that. None of my business. Or at is a teensy bit my business but enough not my business that I don't feel comfortable talking about it. And it's probably extremely little business of anyone who reads this blog :P Even if you think it might be lots of your business xD

And I don't want to seem like I comforted one over the other. Because one Sea Anemone around to see and one Mollusk wasn't. So I did what they did for me way back when I broke up with my first girlfriend :) I went to see the Sea Anemone and returned the hugs she gave me way back :)

ANYWAYS. This blog will be based around the fact that GUESS WHAT? There's lots of people out there in this world. And regardless of whether you think you think (or know) you loved someone doesn't mean you won't love someone else. Whether it's someone you already know, haven't met yet, or actually knew a long time ago and haven't seen in a while. Who knows! Could be anyone.

Although one of them might have a SLIGHTLY easier time ;) (JK. But i had to say it! lol)

It was a really long relationship, and is a big blow to them both considering they have put a significant portion of an important part of their lives into it. (Bam! There's a good cliche..."important part of life." Considering when you think about it ever part of life is just as important)

ANYWAYS. The point is that they will both get a lot older than they are now. And when they are, a year and a half won't seem as significant as it does now. Not to say it's insignificant :P You get the point! Don't nitpick!

Who knows for all of you! I don't care if you got prego in high school and married the guy :P Things change! Who knows about the future :O


NEW SUBJECT.  First day in the shop at school :D I made my first electrical connections with actual wire that I had to strip (oh baby) and twist together and cap off and stuff :O And since I'm a little bitch I brought one or two home to show my mommy :3

Why am I right beside it in a weird position you ask? That is my sideways body holding up my laptop above 'em :P Cause I do not has a digital camera xD (ghetto! lol) Anyways. They're not REALLY exciting. EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT THEY REPRESENT 3 MONTHS OF LEARNING.

Oh and now I actually know what pliers are what xDD

Today my teacher spend a half hour explaining why drinking pee and peeing on yourself is good! Interesting stuff. He's a cool guy :O


NEW SUBJECT. You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals. So let's do it like they do on the discovery channel ;) lol


 Oh and another song I like from them! Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo 
I totally don't like it because of the hot girl with the jackhammer. It's only because of Bam Margera driving a banana car :P And maybe the sexual innuendo.... xD

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


"Oh I was there!! I was inserting!!!" - Mr. Fantasmo

Bandage Get!! Anyways. I have been super bored lately. School is beyond boring right now. The last three days has just been safety videos :S And I've been a little unsatisfied with the lifeyness D: I cannot wait for summer. I just want to wear shorts and a t-shirt is that so much to ask??? So I became ordained as a dudeist priest today!

The basic idea behind Dudeism.

"Life is short and complicated and nobody knows what to do about it. So don’t do anything about it. Just take it easy, man. Stop worrying so much whether you’ll make it into the finals. Kick back with some friends and some oat soda and whether you roll strikes or gutters, do your best to be true to yourself and others – that is to say, abide."
The Big Lebowski's a great movie...

Interesting question. I was asked recently "if you met the right girl, what would you give up for her?"

Well I don't really know. I am a big fan of "you don't know how you're going to act until you're in the situation." So if I haven't met the right girl, I don't know what I would give up :O

I would hope I wouldn't have to give up anything :S I am curious why I would have to give something up. If it was giving up something I enjoyed because she didn't like it? Hell no. She's obviously not "the right girl" then :P And if it required me to move any significant distance? Also highly unlikely.

To tell you the truth I don't expect I would need to give up anything if it was the right girl.

Another odd one (don't ask where these questions came from xD) was "What's the best day of your life?"

Well I would like to think it hasn't happened yet :S Otherwise this shit's going to be badddd xDD I can name a couple of periods of time when I was at my happiest. Which are all in somewhat recent memory. I would probably say this one camping trip, and a period of time with my last girlfriend where everything seemed perfect in life :P

But I can't say I've ever had a day that was definitively the best of my life. Just like I can't say I've had a worst day of my life.

It all blends together so seamlessly....

Blargh. Random blog because I'm bored and have nothing better to do. And it isn't even super funny or help me straighten my head out at all.

BY THE WAY. The average person burns 70 calories per hour watching tv. Ima buy a bunch of tvs and get RIPPPEDDDD :)


Monday, March 28, 2011

Touch A Man ;)

The title makes it sound sexual. But it's not :P See the main difference between guys and girls is that guys need to seem masculine. No matter how "in touch with his feminine side" a guy is, he still gives off an air of masculinity doesn't he? And we try to preserve that air of masculinity about us.

But inside we're all soft and gooey :P Okay no we're not. That would ruin the masculinity! But see women don't have that masculinity to protect. They're supposed to be all touchy feel-ey and stuff right? No one thinks anything when a woman goes up to another woman and goes "Oh my god! How are youuuu?" and gives her a hug and is touching her like crazy. But a man can't do that, to another man or a woman! Because it's just not what we do. We need to be masculine about it.

If a woman gets all that touchy feely with a man most people take it as flirting. And sometimes it is, but sometimes it's not. It's just the way women are, when they talk to you they touch you.

But you see men still need that same touching! But because we need to preserve that masculinity we don't always get it D: The touching doesn't need to be sexual, it just needs to be there! Physically touching another person makes you feel better about yourself (Y)

It's why hugs work :) And why I always hug my friends! :P


Seriously. Try it out. You want to get a male to listen to you and treat you well? Touch him three times during a conversation. You don't even need to be female for it to work :P

Now people are going to think I go around trying to seduce men xDDDD

Don't brush this off! I learned it from a woman! And her JOB used to be to make random people she has never seen before think she is the coolest thing since sliced bread :P


Seriously D:

Today was the Career Fair at BCIT. And I have been presented with a couple of very enticing options...

The first is going to Fort Mac! Where's Fort Mac you ask? It's the middle of nowhere in Alberta :P

I would start at $5,000 a month. 21 days on then 7 days off in a camp where they feed me and give me a free place to sleep. I can go there for 5 years come back here and buy a house and a car in cash. I will be set. Only problem about that is the fact that I have to leave everyone I care about, have no chance of meeting anyone I will care about (because there are pretty much no women), the camps are also huge for prostitution and drug addiction...

It gives me an apprenticeship though, which is what I really want to move up in my trade right? Unfortunately I would have to do it all in one province. So if I hate it and want to leave after two years and come back to BC I get no credit for those two years in BC for my apprenticeship :(

People get used to the amazing money and don't want to leave. Then they have all this money and nowhere to spend it so they buy hookers and drugs...yayyyyy.

That's a guaranteed employment opportunity where I can get rich really quick and die on the inside xD

Corix is a company that has the contract from BC Hydro to change all the meters to digital meters. 18 months under contract guaranteed employment. I've basically been told if I applied I would get the job. But it doesn't give me an apprenticeship D:

It sounds so appealing but in the end it doesn't move me forward...


I really want to get an apprenticeship locally though, even though it might be a smidge harder. But those recruiters...they just make things sound sooo appealing sometime.

Oh wells. Went and bought my work boots today :D $179 and they are the comfiest boots of my LIFE. You people who don't work in the trades couldn't possibly understand the amazingness of a comfy work boot.... And I got to rub this awesome lube stuff all over the leather xD REAL LEATHER :P


Man though I'm having a real tough time being happy sometimes lately :S Video games are losing the fun they once had and even when I was partying I wasn't at my peak Pretzelness :S The most fun I've had in a while was this Sunday and that took drugs to get... I'm so exhausted.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


No seriously. I see these golden people walking around all the time. And they think they're attractive but they're gross :S But maybe if we were all gold in the first place (get on it jesus) then we wouldn't have to laugh at them behind their backs all the time :) And the world would be a better place because of less mocking of others :P

Hey. Its Sunday. Remember when I used to post cute things on Sunday? Yeah me too! Like just now!

The upcoming week in school is safety week! So that should be easy :P On the not so plus side. I will likely be extremely bored. I spend pretty much erry day waiting for school to end so it can be summer. And I can get money like 50 cent. And supposedly bitches come with the munnies :O Lol.

I still remember my boss when I left my temp job at Winexpert. "All the ladies will be all over you once you're an electrician. You'll be setup so well to be a Journeyman at such a young age" Let's hope so? lol

*section removed due to possibility of offense*

^ I'm going to start putting that when I want to tell someone something but don't want to hurt their feelings. So win. Everyone will always be in doubt at whether or not I am annoyed at them xDD And that is how I will troll people's real lives :P

Saturday, March 26, 2011


It is so difficult to know what I can post on here and what I can't. I've shown before that my judgement on what will and what won't offend people is a bit off :S

I have lotsa things to say but I'm only going to say them if I feel confident it won't hurt anyone. And some of the things I've been thinking lately might :S But they're just thoughts for now. Sometimes there's a long period after the inception of an idea before it really comes to fruition and you see the effects of it.

We'll see where this takes me.

Btw I've been super bitchy today after I got home and wanted to rip some throats out and I think I did a damn good job of not doing that :) lol

While the fun-time party last night wasn't what I expected, it was still pretty damn fun :)

I shotgunned a beer for the first time! I am so proud xD I got a good 2/3 down before there was any significant spillage :P AND I BOUNCED :D

I needed that partay. Lately I have been feeling quite unfulfilled with the life thing :S I'm looking to change that. Maybe that 19th birthday thing will see a big change in me, or maybe it won't *shrugs*

Well now I guess the season of the 19th birthdays has started right? I hope it's good :D I'm pumped for mine now that the Sea Foam has had hers :P

Oh here's a pic of the present I made for ze Sea Foam :O It's a SUPER CUP! Featuring a crazy straw holder and on the bottom is an attached Homer Simpson coaster that TALKS :O

Oh and of course the video that inspires the title of the blog post :O

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Okay. Update to previous story. My mom just came in and asked if I had tried to talk to her while she vacuumed the stairs :O I certainly didn't, and neither did my brother. I'm playing COD!!! Durf! Woman! Anyways. My dad isn't home either.

Apparently while she was vacuuming she distinctly heard someone loudly scream right beside her ear "You can't hear anything when you're vacuuming!!!!"

Scary stuff :O

Rownry <-- Scooby Doo is Lonely D:

Anyyways. It's blogging time it's blogging time! Hey!

So. My mom is the firmest believer that our house is haunted. Scary ghosts are floating around and screwing with us all the time apparently :O Not much has happened recently, but in the past she was so annoyed people didn't believe her she gathered all sorts of evidence and documented events and everything! :O The folders full of stuff are still in a filing cabinet somewhere :P

There are so many stories I've been told over the years but I've never experienced anything that i haven't been able to explain later. Even if it took me a couple of years xD

My dad has had juice boxes float towards him, unexplainable glowing rings have appeared in various locations inside and outside my house, appliances have gone haywire, things have gone missing and then appeared in strange places, strange unexplainable smells, things being spilt when no one's around etc.

Apparently when I was a kid all the toys I had that lit up or made any sound would play with themselves when no one was around. And every one of my family has actually seen something strange like this, except for me.

I have never seen anything. I have gone so far as to mock the ghost thing in front of my family and tried to antagonize it to prove to them it's not real. And it's never done anything. Oddly as I typed this a pillow fell down on the other side of the room for no reason. Coincidence.

It's just like my lack of belief in a god. I don't plan on believing unless something shows up in front of my face and proves me wrong.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Cupcake Relationships!

My relationships with people are all cupcakes. They are all like cupcakes. Everyone has a cupcake relationship with me. My cupcake relationship with everyone just HAPPENS to be covered in a shitload of icing! Yum!
But when things go bad and someone gets mad it's like punching the cupcake :_: And no one likes to punch a cupcake! So don't get mad! Laughing, crying, all that jazz. That's all okay. The cupcake isn't necessarily getting punched.

So I'll keep making you laugh and keep making you know...whatever bodily fluids you want to excrete. And I'll clean them up. No questions asked. Because that's the kind of relationship we have. Just don't get them on the cupcake...


A Sea Monkey asked for a blog post about her. DO I SOUND LIKE I'M IN THE MENTAL SHAPE TO GET THAT DONE?

Okay so maybe I am. But she doesn't get one until I beat her at Super Smash Bros! And btw I can't wait for FRIDAY :D Hopefully a Sea Anemone will be better by then!!! She's very sick right now :(

I think I actually have lots to say. But I've been forgetting to blog and am busy right now so I'm going to end this. Maybe I is blog tomorrow :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Okay I lied

The day after I make a post saying I'm not inspired to blog anymore. I guess I'm just not inspired for my daily things really. Fuck em. I'll post what I want when I want and I don't care what it is. New rule. Starts now :P

So it seems my mood is controlled by a couple of things: Weather and Facebook

Oh what a sad life I lead. I had a really bad day today D: My teacher yelled at me cause I'm dumb >.> And It took me two and a half hours to get a half hour filling done at the dentist.

I call bullshit.

And yet I was feeling pretty good when I got home :) It's the sunshine. I neeeed it. That's why i want summer so bad! The sunshine and warmth makes me feel happy no matter what :D

But there's this thing called facebook, and I hate how much it controls my life. The ambiguous status of someone I care about can throw my entire evenings plan out the window as I become suddenly preoccupied with deciphering it.

And even though I know darn well what that one status means I hold out hope it could mean something different...URGH. Damn you facebook. Everytime I post a status it's either an attempt at deep thought or being funny :S

Most often the funny ones get more attention so I think im going to avoid the deep thought ones for now on. They're stupid anyways, no one wants to hear me whine on facebook :S And there are very few people who even know what I'm talking about when they read it :S

I get way too emotionally attached to how many people like/comment on one of my statuses...If I say something funny and it hasn't gotten a like in 45 minutes I just delete it. Maybe no one saw it or maybe it just wasn't funny, but I can't stand having a status everyone ignores..

It really is horrible how much of an affect Facebook can have on my happiness. It has made and ruined days for me. Statuses people post have made and ruined my day and I doubt they even know.

I bet no one overthinks this shit as much as I do. I overthink everything >.>

Oh and you know that feeling when you wish you could tell someone something but you know you can't? I gots it alllll the time. So many people right now D:

But despite all this. I refuse to have bad days anymore. Because I can tell I'm acting like a needy little bitch. And I refuse to be that anymore! Ima suck it up.

Edit: Okay. Something weird happened today. This is random. We're all studying in class and because our class is cool there's always some sort of conversation going on :P Anyways, people were talking about the craziest places they had had sex. Anyways someone noticed I hadn't piped in yet so he started asking me, then about halfway through his sentence he changed it to "You aren't a virgin right?" Keeping in mind the entire class is quiet now because everyones studying and listening to the convo :P I didn't hesitate for a second in saying that I was.

And then something happened. No one said anything to make me feel bad. I got praise from places I never expected it. Now let's face it, I don't deserve praise. It's not like I've had to turn down a slew of girls lol Or any...for that matter xD But it's nice to know that real people out there, adults. They don't judge me as I know people of my own age have.

While I don't want to sound like I obsess over it, the fact that I'm missing out on something so many people my age have done has bugged me a lot in the past. And it might bug me a lot in the future xD Because I don't see it happening anytime soon, I don't really know who I'd meet who would change that, but you never know... In the end it's nice to know that in the real world people really don't care about that kind of thing.

I don't know where I'm going with this..

Man I really wanted to get a blog post in without mentioning the opposite sex. DAMNIT. But this was an interesting event so I had to put it in :P

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I been having trouble being inspired recently. Especially when it comes to blogging. Not going to lie I really don't feel into it right now. We'll see if anything comes up here for the next little while aside from my special post days.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


This the cutest "turtle attempting sex with inanimate object" video I have ever seen. By far.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Well he's not necessarily trying to say that he minds it, but someone plays evil tricks on that kid. And he's not necessarily trying to say god can't be trusted, but someone plays evil tricks on that kid. And man he should try less. Every time he's rejected man, he loses affection. But don't we all?

Middle Man

MY MAN PERIOD. <---See that period? THATS MY MAN PERIOD. <--- and that one!

It's my man period :O It doesn't go on a biological schedule like a womans does. But its still there! My common symptoms are: not having fun when playing COD, jealousy, sitting on my computer hour and not really doing anything going to the same websites over and over again, being in dimly lit rooms, using less emoticons on msn (which is noticeable because i use a shitload) not wanting to eat leftover pizza, over analyzing peoples comments (especially on anything i might post on facebook during this day, or anything anyone else posts on facebook) annnnd wanting to go to sleep and not wake up till Monday.

That last one is really bad because usually on Monday I want to go to sleep and not wake up till Friday :O

I hate my man period What triggers it you ask? I have an idea of what usually does it :P But I don't really want to tell all the peoples lol Oh aside from what usually does it something that certainly aggravates it is HAVING EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU BEING CONTINUALLY SUBTLY INSULTED ALL NIGHT...huh..saywhat? nevermind.

Now what solves it? There are many things that have solved it in the past. Sea Anemone is a common fix. Ponderosa cakes have been known to work. So have Gus and Super Smash Bros :O COD doesn't work because I like to win and I only do good when I'm happyyyy. Cupcakes and brownies work temporarily! That's why I'm going to get oneee. There's lots of things from other peoples that used to work but don't cut it anymore which makes me sad :(

Oh and another symptom. Is holding onto teeny expectations and if someone doesn't fulfill them seeing it as a massive failure of your friendship with them :P lolz

And I know it's all bullshit. But I can't help it :P WAIT. IS IT REALLY BULLSHIT. SAVE ME INTERWEBZ.

More recently, a Danish endocrinologist kept daily records
of hormones excreted in his urine. When analyzed, those records showed
that his hormones rose and fell in roughly a thirty-day rhythm.
Interestingly, beard growth also shows a rhythm of approximately
thirty days; in other words, the amount of beard a man grows daily
increases and decreases in a monthly cycle.
In 1929, a researcher carefully followed the moods of seventeen men
and showed that men, like women, have emotional cycles of about a
month to six weeks in length. According to the researcher's findings,
men tend to be more apathetic and indifferent during the low period of
their emotional cycles and more likely to magnify small problems into
big ones. During the high period of their cycles, men have more
energy, a greater sense of well-being, lower body weight, and less
need for sleep.
So what does that prove? Only that how I'm feeling is totally normal :P Oh and btw I'm done
my cupcake. It was half icing and it had sprinkles, chocolate cake with chocolate icing. And
there was this dinosaur candy on top that turned out to be made of solid sugar stuck together
and painted. So unhealthy. Yum. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

We Will Now Return To Your Regularly Scheduled Programming

Well it's music friday! What did you think i was never going to blog again? You must be crazy :P When did I say that? I certainly don't remember it :O Alright back to business as per the usual!

We're going to get a bit heavier than I usually do for Music Friday. I used to be way more into metal, but now only the best bands have persevered and stayed in my favour. I listen to pretty much everything (expect country xD) and think other people should give a long hard look at some of the awesome metal bands out there that have amazing lyrics and melody.

I absolutely love Dark Tranquillity. They started all the way back in 1988 and they are still so awesome. (Yes they know they spelt "tranquility" wrong btw :P) They have awesome lyrics and riffs and incorporate the keyboards nicely often :) They along with In Flames and At The Gates gave birth to Melodic Death Metal way off in Gothenburg a long time ago :D They usually stick to touring in Europe (I'm not aware of any previous tours in North America or any planned) which sucks. And is one reason I've always kinddda wanted to go to Sweden :) Aside from the girls that is ;D

They are pree much awesome!! As per usual I don't care about what songs are popular I post MY favourites :P

(Btw, after a while you get used to the rough growling vocals and can understand what they're saying. This is actually one of the clearest death metal vocalists out there =P)

Man I wish I had some nice long hair to headbang with :P But I do what I can with what I've got xD

The Wonders At Your Feet (Live?)
The Lesser Faith (live)
Monochromatic Stains! (also live)
Focus Shift <3 (Even more live than the others)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The White Stripes - Offend In Every Way

Sometimes I wonder if blogging is such a good idea D: I've never been very good at explaining myself :S There are things I've said on her that I've had to think long and hard about before I've said them. Sometimes because it's pretty private other times because I wasn't sure how other people would feel about what I've said. There's a reason I have never said anyone's real name in this blog and that's because if you should know who these people are you will be able to tell who they are.

In the end I made this blog to help myself, putting everything I thought down in a nice and permanent was really helpful to define myself. In a way it was like a diary without all the frills like a teeny weeny key and hearts all over the front :P

This blog is meant to help. Now I found out that something I posted ended up hurting the feelings of someone who i care about :( Whether I didn't do a good enough job explaining what I wrote properly or it was misinterpreted or what doesn't really matter at all. All that matters is that this blog isn't meant to hurt anyone ever. And even if it was completely unintentional this has made me seriously reconsider whether I want to continue blogging or not.

I really don't know if I will. We'll see. It might all depends on if this has any lasting affects on my relationship with that person (which I really hope it doesn't)

Don't bother looking for the post either. I deleted it the moment I found out that the person who inspired it took offense. Now that doesn't mean I might never post anything that will offend anyone or that I will delete it if it does offend someone. Because there are people out there who I might want to offend one day :P

But this is not one of those times D: I really care about what this person thinks of me. I respect her opinion of people a lot so I couldn't live with myself if she didn't like me anymore D:

Will I continue to blog? Stay tuned to find out! Abadieabadieabadie thats all folks!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


FUCK. THIS IS STUPID. I DIDNT DO ANYTHING BAD TO ANYONE :_: Holy shit this day is trying to keep me from believing in karma. It is undescribable how pissed I am at everything. I just wrote out a blog about everything bad thats happened to me today. It took 20 minutes. A Sea Anemone sent me a video of Lady Gaga and since I had a million other things open it fucked everything up and I lost my blog...

I'm not angry at Sea Anemone. She was just trying to spread the stupidity of Lady Gaga. Which I respect :)

So. I shall now start this blog like I started the last. In a state where the above had not occured....I will not be more annoyed than I was in the first post.....URGH

So it is Wednesday! Here's your god damn hot woman. Her name is  Erin Wasson. She's a model. She's hot. She's not that super interesting of a person except for that xD Thanks to Sea Anemone for bringing her to my attention :)

Don't hurt me Ms. Wasson :_:  And by |don't" I definitely mean "do" xD

More pictures to be found at the end of the bloggage. One is...well....quite strange xD Anyways. On to the true topic of this post. MY FRUSTRATION.

I went to school today and found out that despite the fact I have already passed this unit and therefore the upcoming test doesn't matter. I still don't understand the material. Which is not good no matter how you look at it >.>

I left the school with a bit of a tickle in my throat. When i got home I collapsed on the couch and didn't get up for two hours. My entire body hurt, including a pounding headache :( I has test tomorrow and I'm in no shape to study and retain any information.

My brother (former alcohol, not getting into that discussion) just found out he needs to pay the government another $1000 to re-take a course he has already taken because of his numerous DUI's. He also needs to buy his own car so he can install a breathalyzer right into it. Now me thinking he hasn't been drinking this is great news to me... He doesn't have money to burn right now, that's why he lives at home. He finally gets a plumbing job again (a job in his actual trade where he's earning hours towards advancement) and he gets hit with this. Now he can't even drive the company vehicles.

This is also great because now he's looking at maybe purchasing the old family car for cheap. Which was kind of my plan after getting out of BCIT. I am buying a car when I get out and my mom wants me to buy a nice expensive one and get a loan and go into debt and all that jazz. Woohoo. So buying the family car was my way out of that idea of hers, but now it might go away.

Buying an expensive car could definitely put any plans of travel (like to Amsterdam maybe) on hold >.> Which would make me want to die. Considering there isn't much room in my life for fun because I know the moment I get out of school my moms going to be on my ass to find a job the next day because that's the kind of woman she is. I really want a couple of days to at least go camping or do something cool with my friends after I graduate >.>

Also awesome with my little time for fun time is the fact that my plans for the weekend have basically fallen through. I can't hang out with some of my best friends because I'm a man and it's a girls night. Now while this is just a fine thing to occur that I am in favor of, it bugs me that I didn't know that this was an intended girls night and sort of kinda said no to other things for the day I thought it was going to be on (even though I know it wasn't for sure. I kinda dont get to see one of these people very often). And those other things (*coughhockeygamecough*) I had said no to can no longer come back. Interesting....a pretty darn similar thing happened a month or two ago xD

Those plans were for plans for friday may or may not be occuring. I don't know because no one ever tells me until the last minute...

And that is pree much all I had planned for the weekend. So I have no time for fun stuff and when i do it all gets discombobulated and screwed up. Awesome.

Oh and girlfriend who i don't really care about anymore at all comments on one of my facebook statuses that my opinion about my brother doesn't matter because he is hot and I am not. Woohoo. Now she could very well have been trying to be funny. But she's not. So she shouldn't try.

And then while writing this Lady Gaga attacked me and made me re-do the whole thing over again >.>

When i feel the way I feel it's also hard to be fair to people. So I don't know if I am being fair. I'm a little blinded right now :P I hope I am...I try to be.

Oh chick. Right I forget about my responsibilities...

I'm going to relax and watch The Wall now so....yeah...bye.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Successful Black Man!!!

Wohoo it's Monday so it's time for another meme! I'll blog one of my nice opinion/life pondering posts tomorrow xD School was so hard today it's unbelievable >.>

Yay for successful black guy and his stereotype destroying statements! This meme boldly stands up against racism!.......not :P

Woahoahoah. Suddenly I want to talk about racism :S I really don't get people who get mad when I make a joke about a black guy who likes fried chicken or a cheap jewish person. I really don't.

Avenue Q taught me the wonderful lesson that everyone is a little bit racist. We all stereotype and have fun doing it. It's when you truly believe those stereotypes that it crosses a line. As long as you and the person laughing with you knows it's a joke then there's nothing wrong with it. Now I'm not saying you should go out and start using the N-word all over the place. There's a lot of stuff out there that is just untouchable. And I'm not saying not to watch what you say around certain people, there are a lot of hard asses out there.

In the end what do you laugh at? Things you don't take seriously, for the most part. I don't seriously think Jewish people are cheap. That's nuts :S I do however tell people that they just "Jewed me out of _____"
and I make no apologies.

I laugh at you. You laugh at me. As long as we're both laughing I don't give a shit :) This might leak into another blog post...I've got more to say but don't really have the time D:

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Now I do have lots to blog about but its the end of double experience weekend in black ops so do you think I have the time? NO!!!!

You get something cute and that is all from me! Stop suckling at the teat of my awesome....okay that might be a smidge exaggerated.....ANYWAYS CUTENESS. NAO. HERE YOU GO.

Who is thar?

I want one. End of story. New story. I don't know what kind of animal this is. I want one. End of second story. Third story. Cool story bro. End of final story.

Did you follow all that?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Legalize Marijuana

Wow. This one will be so long it's not even funny. Now way back when I used to have lots of statistics and stuff to back up everything I say. Now I do remember a couple of links, but I'm pretty much going to run on my own knowledge. And if you don't want to believe me, go ahead. I probably won't touch on everything I know because I know a shitload >.> I guarantee I will forget important points...And it will jump all over the place because in my mind I already know these things so I might forget that I need to flesh out the ideas well for the reader to understand clearly :O But here it goes.

This needs to be legal. Some smokers don't want it to be because they think it will get more expensive. And it will, but the law needs to change out of principle.

Let's get down to it. Firstly we can look at various health affects of marijuana and look at medicinal marijuana (which is already legal)To be prescribed medical marijuana you pretty much need to meet the right kind of doctor . Many doctors simply won't prescribe the treatment because they are against people smoking marijuana. They just let personal bias slip into their job as doctors and they broke the oath they swear on, which is to provide the best possible treatment to their patients.

30 Year Long Study Shows no Cancer-Marijuna link

"Federal health and drug enforcement officials have widely used Tashkin's previous work on marijuana to make the case that the drug is dangerous. Tashkin said that while he still believes marijuana is potentially harmful, its cancer-causing effects appear to be of less concern than previously thought. Earlier work established that marijuana does contain cancer-causing chemicals as potentially harmful as those in tobacco, he said. However, marijuana also contains the chemical THC, which he said may kill aging cells and keep them from becoming cancerous."

Another study described in the same paper (that I have read before but can't find again) said that smoking marijuana actually reduces the size of lung tumors. Now don't get me wrong, smoking marijuana is the least healthy way of taking it in. And it wouldn't be so popular if it wasn't the cheapest and easiest. It's because if people don't look closely they might just assume you're smoking a legal cigarette. If marijuana was legal it is likely intake through many other ways would become much more popular. The healthiest option being the Vaporizer for example. This would lead to any negative health affects from the act of inhaling smoke being reduced even greater. For those who don't know a vaporizer basically gets the THC (the drug that gives you the high) right out of weed so you don't need to deal with all that smoke. You just inhale the drug.

Don't get me wrong it still isn't the healthiest thing out there. Long term use increases risk to many mental health afflictions, Alzheimer and Schizophrenia for example. These increased risks are assuming both long term and frequent use. Now tell me, how does long term frequent drinking affect you? It can lead to strokes, heart attacks, Liver, Pancreatitis, Hormonal Imbalance, Sexual dysfunction,  Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Kidney Stones, Cancer, Infections, Common Cold, etc.

Alcohol is linked to domestic violence, sexual assault, reckless behaviour, violent crime, none of which marijuana is associated with. How interesting...

Marijuana and Glaucoma

"Other adverse effects from the use of marijuana that have been reported include conjunctival hyperemia, impaired immune system response, impaired memory for recent events, difficulty concentrating, impaired motor coordination, tolerance to repeated doses, and short-term withdrawal symptoms after cessation. Smoking of marijuana also can lead to emphysema-like lung changes, increased risk of cancer, and poor pregnancy outcomes."

Impaired memory for recent events......difficulty concentrating....impaired motor coordination...poor pregnancy outcomes...All affects of drinking.

Now there's so much more to say about this but we'll move on to why it should never have been ILLEGAL, and why it stays illegal, as well as why it should be legal now.

The man who cut down all those trees to make paper way back when. Noticed that Hemp was a much more viable option for the cheap making of paper. Now he had a giant company that was all designed around the wonders of cutting down trees. He was one of the main funders to the original campaign to make marijuana illegal. It had nothing to do with the health affects or any government studies or anything like that. It was a man with a lot of money who didn't want to lose it. Along with the fact that in the early 1900s Western American States we're becoming fearful of the large influx of Mexican immigrants who smoked the drug often.

When Montana outlawed marijuana in 1927, the Butte Montana Standard reported a legislator’s comment: “When some beet field peon takes a few traces of this stuff… he thinks he has just been elected president of Mexico, so he starts out to execute all his political enemies.” In Texas, a senator said on the floor of the Senate: “All Mexicans are crazy, and this stuff [marijuana] is what makes them crazy.”

Fact: At one point in multiple states it was illegal to NOT grow a minimum amount of marijuana relative to the size of your farm.

Now why is it STILL illegal if that was the reason it was illegalized? America. A large amount of American prisons are privately owned. Which means they make money by having lots of people in jail. 4% of people in jail in the States are in there solely for marijuana related crimes as minor as possession. The cost of enforcement of these laws (to America) is $7 billion a year. And 90% of the people imprisoned for marijuana related crimes have no history of violent crime. Money that could easily be spent on more important crimes.

Now you're saying "who cares this is CANADA!!!" Well considering we share the longest unprotected border in the world with their country there is tremendous pressure to keep the drug illegal. Look at the Marc Emery situation. A crime the entire province of BC knew he was committing. Yet did our law enforcement bother with him? No. But the DEA ( a largely American Drug Enforcement Agency) demands that he be arrested (by Canadian officers) under American charges for a crime he was committing in Canada. While our law still deemed the selling of marijuana seeds illegal, it is a largely ignored crime.

Is smoking marijuana even illegal? No the actual act of inhaling it isn't. But posession/selling/growing and all that stuff is. And yet depending on the cop you meet it might even seem legal. Most will just make you get rid of what you've got and take your pipe or any other paraphernalia from you.

It's a confusing world we live in where a drug that was unjustly illegalized, has other drugs that are worse, and is legal one minute and not legal the next depending on what cop you're dealing with, is still illegal.

Go ahead and argue with me on this one. I didn't even make every point I have because this blog post is way too long as it is.

Do I smoke? Yup. Not a shitload but I do. And trust me I have a lot more control over myself when I smoke then when I drink.