Saturday, April 23, 2011

Fortunate Fool :P

Holy fuck people actually do care when I go a couple of days without blogging xD

Mmkays so you know what rocks? Laying with someone with your arms around them or hands on them in various ways listening to Jack Johnson in the dark. That's all I need. For like 15 minutes there life was freakin' complete lol

You know you're with someone kind of cool when you can do absolutely nothing exciting and still have fun :P And when you can share a good long silence or two without it being awkward. Uma Thurman taught me in Pulp Fiction. One of my favourite movies of ALL TIME :D

Jack Johnson - Fortunate Fool

Man I met a lot of cool people at the last party I went to :) Loads of fun :P

But it's funny because I am meeting these people through my girlfriend right? And I bring some of my friends. All of these people who know my girlfriend meet me as "the boyfriend" and while they're still my new friends. They will always think of me as "the boyfriend" :P But hey, it's better than not meeting anyone :) While the friends I bring get to meet a bunch of new friends as normal friends :P

What else has happened since i last blogged? I got a giant new bed. It is awesome.

Also. Playstation Network has been down for 2 days now. In a few moments I will go and check if it is working again. If it isn't, tears will be shed. There shall be no doubt of that.

Watched Scarface tonight, a really classic story.

If only Tony Montana knew how to be content with what he had. But his endless quest for more pushed him past the limit D:

Sometimes people need to just be happy with what they've got. Things are allowed to stay the same for a while. Some people might call it "being in a rut" but I would call it "getting comfortable."

It sounds cliche to dumb it down to telling people to "stop and smell the roses." But most cliches are around because they're true.

Okay. Finally. Harry Potter.

I loved the books as a kid. They rocked. They're even still not that bad today. Although I like Artemis Fowl more :P

ANYWAYS. The movies? The ones when they are little are just boring and suck. The more recent Harry Potter movies have been better. I don't know why I don't like them :S Maybe cause nothing can live up to the way the books were for me the first time I read them. And since I read through the series a couple of times before movies were coming I'm kind of bored of the storyline by now lol

Anywaysss. I'll blog tomorrow I'm tired :P A SEA HORSE IS BACK FOR A LONG TIME AND I AM HAPPY :)


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