Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My Biggest Pet Peeve

 Someone asked me what my biggest pet peeve was the other day :O I usually think it's a cliche question thats kinda dumb :P But I had no clue what mien would be :O I couldn't think of one. But NOW I think I know what it is.

It is when someone forgets they have plans with you. Because then you feel like you don't matter all that much :( And then they try to bring you into the plans and you feel like they're just trying to be nice and don't really want you therrre.

Whatever... <--- Oh, and I hate when people say that. It means they're annoyed D:

And when you know you're being dumb but you feel like you're being replaced because now instead of having plans made with you, you keep getting told about how plans are getting made with other people and after you're getting squeezed into them all the time >.>

Maybe im just on that man period D: What day is it?


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