Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Okay I lied

The day after I make a post saying I'm not inspired to blog anymore. I guess I'm just not inspired for my daily things really. Fuck em. I'll post what I want when I want and I don't care what it is. New rule. Starts now :P

So it seems my mood is controlled by a couple of things: Weather and Facebook

Oh what a sad life I lead. I had a really bad day today D: My teacher yelled at me cause I'm dumb >.> And It took me two and a half hours to get a half hour filling done at the dentist.

I call bullshit.

And yet I was feeling pretty good when I got home :) It's the sunshine. I neeeed it. That's why i want summer so bad! The sunshine and warmth makes me feel happy no matter what :D

But there's this thing called facebook, and I hate how much it controls my life. The ambiguous status of someone I care about can throw my entire evenings plan out the window as I become suddenly preoccupied with deciphering it.

And even though I know darn well what that one status means I hold out hope it could mean something different...URGH. Damn you facebook. Everytime I post a status it's either an attempt at deep thought or being funny :S

Most often the funny ones get more attention so I think im going to avoid the deep thought ones for now on. They're stupid anyways, no one wants to hear me whine on facebook :S And there are very few people who even know what I'm talking about when they read it :S

I get way too emotionally attached to how many people like/comment on one of my statuses...If I say something funny and it hasn't gotten a like in 45 minutes I just delete it. Maybe no one saw it or maybe it just wasn't funny, but I can't stand having a status everyone ignores..

It really is horrible how much of an affect Facebook can have on my happiness. It has made and ruined days for me. Statuses people post have made and ruined my day and I doubt they even know.

I bet no one overthinks this shit as much as I do. I overthink everything >.>

Oh and you know that feeling when you wish you could tell someone something but you know you can't? I gots it alllll the time. So many people right now D:

But despite all this. I refuse to have bad days anymore. Because I can tell I'm acting like a needy little bitch. And I refuse to be that anymore! Ima suck it up.

Edit: Okay. Something weird happened today. This is random. We're all studying in class and because our class is cool there's always some sort of conversation going on :P Anyways, people were talking about the craziest places they had had sex. Anyways someone noticed I hadn't piped in yet so he started asking me, then about halfway through his sentence he changed it to "You aren't a virgin right?" Keeping in mind the entire class is quiet now because everyones studying and listening to the convo :P I didn't hesitate for a second in saying that I was.

And then something happened. No one said anything to make me feel bad. I got praise from places I never expected it. Now let's face it, I don't deserve praise. It's not like I've had to turn down a slew of girls lol Or any...for that matter xD But it's nice to know that real people out there, adults. They don't judge me as I know people of my own age have.

While I don't want to sound like I obsess over it, the fact that I'm missing out on something so many people my age have done has bugged me a lot in the past. And it might bug me a lot in the future xD Because I don't see it happening anytime soon, I don't really know who I'd meet who would change that, but you never know... In the end it's nice to know that in the real world people really don't care about that kind of thing.

I don't know where I'm going with this..

Man I really wanted to get a blog post in without mentioning the opposite sex. DAMNIT. But this was an interesting event so I had to put it in :P


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