Monday, March 28, 2011


Seriously D:

Today was the Career Fair at BCIT. And I have been presented with a couple of very enticing options...

The first is going to Fort Mac! Where's Fort Mac you ask? It's the middle of nowhere in Alberta :P

I would start at $5,000 a month. 21 days on then 7 days off in a camp where they feed me and give me a free place to sleep. I can go there for 5 years come back here and buy a house and a car in cash. I will be set. Only problem about that is the fact that I have to leave everyone I care about, have no chance of meeting anyone I will care about (because there are pretty much no women), the camps are also huge for prostitution and drug addiction...

It gives me an apprenticeship though, which is what I really want to move up in my trade right? Unfortunately I would have to do it all in one province. So if I hate it and want to leave after two years and come back to BC I get no credit for those two years in BC for my apprenticeship :(

People get used to the amazing money and don't want to leave. Then they have all this money and nowhere to spend it so they buy hookers and drugs...yayyyyy.

That's a guaranteed employment opportunity where I can get rich really quick and die on the inside xD

Corix is a company that has the contract from BC Hydro to change all the meters to digital meters. 18 months under contract guaranteed employment. I've basically been told if I applied I would get the job. But it doesn't give me an apprenticeship D:

It sounds so appealing but in the end it doesn't move me forward...


I really want to get an apprenticeship locally though, even though it might be a smidge harder. But those recruiters...they just make things sound sooo appealing sometime.

Oh wells. Went and bought my work boots today :D $179 and they are the comfiest boots of my LIFE. You people who don't work in the trades couldn't possibly understand the amazingness of a comfy work boot.... And I got to rub this awesome lube stuff all over the leather xD REAL LEATHER :P


Man though I'm having a real tough time being happy sometimes lately :S Video games are losing the fun they once had and even when I was partying I wasn't at my peak Pretzelness :S The most fun I've had in a while was this Sunday and that took drugs to get... I'm so exhausted.


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