Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Herpin and Derpin

Days of Our Lives? Or Degrassi? Are we old enough for it to be Days of Our Lives yet? xD

Man I am so stressed right now D: Basically all I am doing is school and talking to people. So much talking sometimes... Everyone has an opinion on me or someone else or my interactions with people.

So much so that it might end up hampering my ability to have fun times with my best friend D: Because people look strange at us if we spend time alone together. Cause I'm a male and she's a a female >.>

It's bugging me D: I have my heart pretty much set on spending time with her and others at Rathrevor Beach this summer on the island after I get out of school. But it's expensive and not a lot of people have the money D: So people want to do something like go to Golden Ears! Which is great and fun! But Sea Anemone and I can't go alone because we're pretty much not allowed to according to our friends :S So if people don't go with us to Rathtrevor Beach we either don't get to go, or get weird talking to's from people :S 

I know it will be expensive. I just don't feel like it's fair that we have something we both really want to do and might be hampered from doing it :S

^^^ Although I must admit it is a long ways ahead of time. And I would be very willing to do a second camping trip nearer the end of summer to Golden Ears or something. But I really want to get some people to Rathtrevor :)


Now there are so many other things too D:

Anyways. There's this girl who is a bit flirty. But she's always been that way. Hasn't changed one bit. Interestingly there is this guy who is pretty flirty himself (in my opinion, and thats all it is. Im not going to say he is for sure, its my own judgement)

And yet it seems much more okay when he flirts with girls who are a) in relationships or b) liked by whoever. But if the girl does it with men, it's taken in a bad way.

I just don't understand that :S


Okay. Now that all that is out of the way. I'm a teensy bit slow at the work in the shop at school D: I'm the slowest in my class actually... But I do it right! And am improving :P Even if I hurt myself with my tools daily xDD

It is fun.

I made a three way switch that controls a real light today! :)

It's funny. Last coupla days haven't been loads of fun :P I am still holding onto the (mostly) fun times that was the last party bus :) I met this really amazing girl :)




Okay I lied. I knew her before the party :P But I wanted to sound like a playyaaaaa xDD But I hadn't seen her in a long time :O I'm really glad I saw her again, needless to say :P Hope I get to see her a lot more in the future :)


I really hope camping works out :) I wouldn't be one to have a bunch of people excluded if they can't afford the trip to the island D: So I would very much like to do a second camping trip :) But I would also like people to try and do what they can to make it to the one currently being organized :)

EDIT: I just want to say. That most of any disagreements i'm hearing about seem really silly to me :S They must have been simmering for a long time because some of the things never seemed to bug people before :S

I'm also very anti-disagreement D: I don't like stuff like this. I like people to be happy and get along :) I really don't like disturbances in the force :P


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