Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Rownry <-- Scooby Doo is Lonely D:

Anyyways. It's blogging time it's blogging time! Hey!

So. My mom is the firmest believer that our house is haunted. Scary ghosts are floating around and screwing with us all the time apparently :O Not much has happened recently, but in the past she was so annoyed people didn't believe her she gathered all sorts of evidence and documented events and everything! :O The folders full of stuff are still in a filing cabinet somewhere :P

There are so many stories I've been told over the years but I've never experienced anything that i haven't been able to explain later. Even if it took me a couple of years xD

My dad has had juice boxes float towards him, unexplainable glowing rings have appeared in various locations inside and outside my house, appliances have gone haywire, things have gone missing and then appeared in strange places, strange unexplainable smells, things being spilt when no one's around etc.

Apparently when I was a kid all the toys I had that lit up or made any sound would play with themselves when no one was around. And every one of my family has actually seen something strange like this, except for me.

I have never seen anything. I have gone so far as to mock the ghost thing in front of my family and tried to antagonize it to prove to them it's not real. And it's never done anything. Oddly as I typed this a pillow fell down on the other side of the room for no reason. Coincidence.

It's just like my lack of belief in a god. I don't plan on believing unless something shows up in front of my face and proves me wrong.


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