Monday, March 28, 2011

Touch A Man ;)

The title makes it sound sexual. But it's not :P See the main difference between guys and girls is that guys need to seem masculine. No matter how "in touch with his feminine side" a guy is, he still gives off an air of masculinity doesn't he? And we try to preserve that air of masculinity about us.

But inside we're all soft and gooey :P Okay no we're not. That would ruin the masculinity! But see women don't have that masculinity to protect. They're supposed to be all touchy feel-ey and stuff right? No one thinks anything when a woman goes up to another woman and goes "Oh my god! How are youuuu?" and gives her a hug and is touching her like crazy. But a man can't do that, to another man or a woman! Because it's just not what we do. We need to be masculine about it.

If a woman gets all that touchy feely with a man most people take it as flirting. And sometimes it is, but sometimes it's not. It's just the way women are, when they talk to you they touch you.

But you see men still need that same touching! But because we need to preserve that masculinity we don't always get it D: The touching doesn't need to be sexual, it just needs to be there! Physically touching another person makes you feel better about yourself (Y)

It's why hugs work :) And why I always hug my friends! :P


Seriously. Try it out. You want to get a male to listen to you and treat you well? Touch him three times during a conversation. You don't even need to be female for it to work :P

Now people are going to think I go around trying to seduce men xDDDD

Don't brush this off! I learned it from a woman! And her JOB used to be to make random people she has never seen before think she is the coolest thing since sliced bread :P


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