Saturday, March 12, 2011

MY MAN PERIOD. <---See that period? THATS MY MAN PERIOD. <--- and that one!

It's my man period :O It doesn't go on a biological schedule like a womans does. But its still there! My common symptoms are: not having fun when playing COD, jealousy, sitting on my computer hour and not really doing anything going to the same websites over and over again, being in dimly lit rooms, using less emoticons on msn (which is noticeable because i use a shitload) not wanting to eat leftover pizza, over analyzing peoples comments (especially on anything i might post on facebook during this day, or anything anyone else posts on facebook) annnnd wanting to go to sleep and not wake up till Monday.

That last one is really bad because usually on Monday I want to go to sleep and not wake up till Friday :O

I hate my man period What triggers it you ask? I have an idea of what usually does it :P But I don't really want to tell all the peoples lol Oh aside from what usually does it something that certainly aggravates it is HAVING EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU BEING CONTINUALLY SUBTLY INSULTED ALL NIGHT...huh..saywhat? nevermind.

Now what solves it? There are many things that have solved it in the past. Sea Anemone is a common fix. Ponderosa cakes have been known to work. So have Gus and Super Smash Bros :O COD doesn't work because I like to win and I only do good when I'm happyyyy. Cupcakes and brownies work temporarily! That's why I'm going to get oneee. There's lots of things from other peoples that used to work but don't cut it anymore which makes me sad :(

Oh and another symptom. Is holding onto teeny expectations and if someone doesn't fulfill them seeing it as a massive failure of your friendship with them :P lolz

And I know it's all bullshit. But I can't help it :P WAIT. IS IT REALLY BULLSHIT. SAVE ME INTERWEBZ.

More recently, a Danish endocrinologist kept daily records
of hormones excreted in his urine. When analyzed, those records showed
that his hormones rose and fell in roughly a thirty-day rhythm.
Interestingly, beard growth also shows a rhythm of approximately
thirty days; in other words, the amount of beard a man grows daily
increases and decreases in a monthly cycle.
In 1929, a researcher carefully followed the moods of seventeen men
and showed that men, like women, have emotional cycles of about a
month to six weeks in length. According to the researcher's findings,
men tend to be more apathetic and indifferent during the low period of
their emotional cycles and more likely to magnify small problems into
big ones. During the high period of their cycles, men have more
energy, a greater sense of well-being, lower body weight, and less
need for sleep.
So what does that prove? Only that how I'm feeling is totally normal :P Oh and btw I'm done
my cupcake. It was half icing and it had sprinkles, chocolate cake with chocolate icing. And
there was this dinosaur candy on top that turned out to be made of solid sugar stuck together
and painted. So unhealthy. Yum. 


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