Thursday, April 14, 2011


This is proof right? RIGHT? :P

ANYWAYS. I've been trying to avoid blogging about having a girlfriend. But I do. So I guess I kinda have tooo :P

It's funny. There's things you miss about being in a relationship when you are single. And when you are in a relationship there are things you miss about being single. Not to say I prefer being single :P lol

Well I've seen this...oh my god...I don't have a sea name for her :O And I think I'm out of sea creatures whose names start with the word "sea" :P I guess I'll just call her "girlfriend" for now xD Till a better term can be found for everyday blog usage :P I fail D: lol

ANYWAYS. I really like this girl :P She is beautiful and she likes cool things I like (mostly :P) and she tolerates me and gets my jokes (most of the time :P) OH! And she eats pie the same way I do. Which is a special way. Ask me next time you see me! lol

Anyways. I've seen her about every day since we started dating I think :P And it's because I wanted to :) But now I can't see her for five days because of various things we have scheduled.

And while that does suck for us D: It makes time for all my awesome friends who I don't feel I see enough of anymore! So the glass is half full :)

I don't know. She is pretty amazing and I'd really like it to last :P But I don't really want to get my hopes up super high again, although its hard not to :P


Next item on the list. I love hockey. Go Canucks Go! That is all.


Grandmas of the world. Do not try to pick up girls for your grandsons. Even if the girl looks like tinkerbell and your grandson looks like Bradley Cooper. It's still weird. Just sayin'

If my grandma tried to tell me she found a good girl for me I would immediately turn off my brain for the rest of the conversation and think about Giant Robots. I LOVE GIANT ROBOTS. YOU LOVE GIANT ROBOTS. WE LOVE GIANT ROBOTS. CHICKS DIG GIANT ROBOTS.

---> Oh and if you're cool and read this but don't know me. And I think there might actually be one or two of you out there. Add a Sea Anemone on facebook xDDD She's single ;) Any grandmas want to check her out for their grandsons? :P


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