Wednesday, March 9, 2011


FUCK. THIS IS STUPID. I DIDNT DO ANYTHING BAD TO ANYONE :_: Holy shit this day is trying to keep me from believing in karma. It is undescribable how pissed I am at everything. I just wrote out a blog about everything bad thats happened to me today. It took 20 minutes. A Sea Anemone sent me a video of Lady Gaga and since I had a million other things open it fucked everything up and I lost my blog...

I'm not angry at Sea Anemone. She was just trying to spread the stupidity of Lady Gaga. Which I respect :)

So. I shall now start this blog like I started the last. In a state where the above had not occured....I will not be more annoyed than I was in the first post.....URGH

So it is Wednesday! Here's your god damn hot woman. Her name is  Erin Wasson. She's a model. She's hot. She's not that super interesting of a person except for that xD Thanks to Sea Anemone for bringing her to my attention :)

Don't hurt me Ms. Wasson :_:  And by |don't" I definitely mean "do" xD

More pictures to be found at the end of the bloggage. One is...well....quite strange xD Anyways. On to the true topic of this post. MY FRUSTRATION.

I went to school today and found out that despite the fact I have already passed this unit and therefore the upcoming test doesn't matter. I still don't understand the material. Which is not good no matter how you look at it >.>

I left the school with a bit of a tickle in my throat. When i got home I collapsed on the couch and didn't get up for two hours. My entire body hurt, including a pounding headache :( I has test tomorrow and I'm in no shape to study and retain any information.

My brother (former alcohol, not getting into that discussion) just found out he needs to pay the government another $1000 to re-take a course he has already taken because of his numerous DUI's. He also needs to buy his own car so he can install a breathalyzer right into it. Now me thinking he hasn't been drinking this is great news to me... He doesn't have money to burn right now, that's why he lives at home. He finally gets a plumbing job again (a job in his actual trade where he's earning hours towards advancement) and he gets hit with this. Now he can't even drive the company vehicles.

This is also great because now he's looking at maybe purchasing the old family car for cheap. Which was kind of my plan after getting out of BCIT. I am buying a car when I get out and my mom wants me to buy a nice expensive one and get a loan and go into debt and all that jazz. Woohoo. So buying the family car was my way out of that idea of hers, but now it might go away.

Buying an expensive car could definitely put any plans of travel (like to Amsterdam maybe) on hold >.> Which would make me want to die. Considering there isn't much room in my life for fun because I know the moment I get out of school my moms going to be on my ass to find a job the next day because that's the kind of woman she is. I really want a couple of days to at least go camping or do something cool with my friends after I graduate >.>

Also awesome with my little time for fun time is the fact that my plans for the weekend have basically fallen through. I can't hang out with some of my best friends because I'm a man and it's a girls night. Now while this is just a fine thing to occur that I am in favor of, it bugs me that I didn't know that this was an intended girls night and sort of kinda said no to other things for the day I thought it was going to be on (even though I know it wasn't for sure. I kinda dont get to see one of these people very often). And those other things (*coughhockeygamecough*) I had said no to can no longer come back. Interesting....a pretty darn similar thing happened a month or two ago xD

Those plans were for plans for friday may or may not be occuring. I don't know because no one ever tells me until the last minute...

And that is pree much all I had planned for the weekend. So I have no time for fun stuff and when i do it all gets discombobulated and screwed up. Awesome.

Oh and girlfriend who i don't really care about anymore at all comments on one of my facebook statuses that my opinion about my brother doesn't matter because he is hot and I am not. Woohoo. Now she could very well have been trying to be funny. But she's not. So she shouldn't try.

And then while writing this Lady Gaga attacked me and made me re-do the whole thing over again >.>

When i feel the way I feel it's also hard to be fair to people. So I don't know if I am being fair. I'm a little blinded right now :P I hope I am...I try to be.

Oh chick. Right I forget about my responsibilities...

I'm going to relax and watch The Wall now so....yeah...bye.


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