Friday, March 11, 2011

We Will Now Return To Your Regularly Scheduled Programming

Well it's music friday! What did you think i was never going to blog again? You must be crazy :P When did I say that? I certainly don't remember it :O Alright back to business as per the usual!

We're going to get a bit heavier than I usually do for Music Friday. I used to be way more into metal, but now only the best bands have persevered and stayed in my favour. I listen to pretty much everything (expect country xD) and think other people should give a long hard look at some of the awesome metal bands out there that have amazing lyrics and melody.

I absolutely love Dark Tranquillity. They started all the way back in 1988 and they are still so awesome. (Yes they know they spelt "tranquility" wrong btw :P) They have awesome lyrics and riffs and incorporate the keyboards nicely often :) They along with In Flames and At The Gates gave birth to Melodic Death Metal way off in Gothenburg a long time ago :D They usually stick to touring in Europe (I'm not aware of any previous tours in North America or any planned) which sucks. And is one reason I've always kinddda wanted to go to Sweden :) Aside from the girls that is ;D

They are pree much awesome!! As per usual I don't care about what songs are popular I post MY favourites :P

(Btw, after a while you get used to the rough growling vocals and can understand what they're saying. This is actually one of the clearest death metal vocalists out there =P)

Man I wish I had some nice long hair to headbang with :P But I do what I can with what I've got xD

The Wonders At Your Feet (Live?)
The Lesser Faith (live)
Monochromatic Stains! (also live)
Focus Shift <3 (Even more live than the others)


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