Friday, April 8, 2011

It Was Fear Of Myself That Made Me Odd

Mannn. Well I feel like most of the recent drama has ended. Only really think one person is still holding on to it :S But I think that's in her nature. I can't blame her for it. I don't think I'll ever even get what that was all about xD

I'm not sure why but I bottled up a teensy bit of rage from whatever the last little while. Maybe it's listening to all the shit that got thrown around lol

Some people are just bugging me :S

I managed to yell at my mom for about 5 minutes because she ordered the wrong pizza for me :S It was one of those "No one ever listens to Anthony" moments that sort of brought together the frustration of a lot of those moments that have happened in the last couple of days :S

It's been people in class giving me incorrect information about the right type of screws or something (when they had the different, correct screw type) and I (assuming they were correct) completed my project. And fucked up all my boxes and had to restart at the very beginning. I was pretty much done. I was pissed and almost raged at the girl but I didn't...I saved it for two days later for my mom :S

I felt so bad :( But in the moment I was PISSED.

At least tonight will be good. I need to relax!


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