Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I typed this out and closed it twice. IM RAGING.

*Posts ambiguous facebook status that attacks someone I know who I am in conflict with. But it's so ambiguous even they aren't sure if it's attacking them or someone else. If you like the status you are picking my side in the conflict. If you comment to try and get clarification then "you don't understand anything and it's none of your business." You won't comment if you disagree because then you are bringing the conflict into a public forum where everyone can see it. It's all your fault for doing that. Even though I made the original attacking status*

And holy crap. The next month or two or three is going to be absolutely nuts. There's parties and party buses and concerts and school and my new girlfriend and all my other friends that need to fit! lol I might die but I'll do my best to make it to the finish line still partying xDD Seriously I have my bday one day, System of a Down the next and a party bus the day after? lolol

And I'm pissed at the stupid bloggy thing breaking so ima blog again tomorrow :P promise! :P


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