Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Okay. So this won't be long but it all needs to be said.

I don't want to sound like mr.popular who is being a whiny bitch. Because I'm not, and I'm not.

There is a lot of demand from everywhere for my constant conversation.

This has resulted in two things: 1) I have a lot less time for myself. And I'm not used to that. and 2) I sometimes run out of things to say and can't always be interesting. Other times I read a text and forget I ever even got it because I can't reply right away. I've ended up not even really talking to a couple of people anymore who i really like talking to.

At this point I'm always either a) at school texting people or b) at home on msn

I can't play many video games because I'm pausing them constantly. Or losing matches because I need to quit or am dying because I'm AFK. Not that that happens right now cause PSN is still down...

But you get it!

I must say though even though all the people around me are the cause of my current stresses. They are always really supportive when I go to talk about any stress. And that's why I go through the stress of keeping the friends? Endless cycle of friendship? xD

And the girlfriend is really understanding of either a) me needing time alone or b) anything really! :)

Not much to conclude. That's the blog post/ Read it cause you're bored and think about it for a short time? :P


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