Monday, April 4, 2011

Marinate the Nether Rod in the Squish Mitten?....that's dirty! :O

 (Prepare for a long one)

Man I feel like I have to blog :S Sometimes I just don't wanna. I mean I have lots to say but don't always wanna blog about it :P

Mmkay. So how to do this without making assumptions and making an ass out of you and me....

Well my two of my best friends broke up after a year and a half the other day D: Now I don't want to talk any shit about who is right or wrong or any of that. None of my business. Or at is a teensy bit my business but enough not my business that I don't feel comfortable talking about it. And it's probably extremely little business of anyone who reads this blog :P Even if you think it might be lots of your business xD

And I don't want to seem like I comforted one over the other. Because one Sea Anemone around to see and one Mollusk wasn't. So I did what they did for me way back when I broke up with my first girlfriend :) I went to see the Sea Anemone and returned the hugs she gave me way back :)

ANYWAYS. This blog will be based around the fact that GUESS WHAT? There's lots of people out there in this world. And regardless of whether you think you think (or know) you loved someone doesn't mean you won't love someone else. Whether it's someone you already know, haven't met yet, or actually knew a long time ago and haven't seen in a while. Who knows! Could be anyone.

Although one of them might have a SLIGHTLY easier time ;) (JK. But i had to say it! lol)

It was a really long relationship, and is a big blow to them both considering they have put a significant portion of an important part of their lives into it. (Bam! There's a good cliche..."important part of life." Considering when you think about it ever part of life is just as important)

ANYWAYS. The point is that they will both get a lot older than they are now. And when they are, a year and a half won't seem as significant as it does now. Not to say it's insignificant :P You get the point! Don't nitpick!

Who knows for all of you! I don't care if you got prego in high school and married the guy :P Things change! Who knows about the future :O


NEW SUBJECT.  First day in the shop at school :D I made my first electrical connections with actual wire that I had to strip (oh baby) and twist together and cap off and stuff :O And since I'm a little bitch I brought one or two home to show my mommy :3

Why am I right beside it in a weird position you ask? That is my sideways body holding up my laptop above 'em :P Cause I do not has a digital camera xD (ghetto! lol) Anyways. They're not REALLY exciting. EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT THEY REPRESENT 3 MONTHS OF LEARNING.

Oh and now I actually know what pliers are what xDD

Today my teacher spend a half hour explaining why drinking pee and peeing on yourself is good! Interesting stuff. He's a cool guy :O


NEW SUBJECT. You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals. So let's do it like they do on the discovery channel ;) lol


 Oh and another song I like from them! Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo 
I totally don't like it because of the hot girl with the jackhammer. It's only because of Bam Margera driving a banana car :P And maybe the sexual innuendo.... xD


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