Sunday, March 27, 2011


No seriously. I see these golden people walking around all the time. And they think they're attractive but they're gross :S But maybe if we were all gold in the first place (get on it jesus) then we wouldn't have to laugh at them behind their backs all the time :) And the world would be a better place because of less mocking of others :P

Hey. Its Sunday. Remember when I used to post cute things on Sunday? Yeah me too! Like just now!

The upcoming week in school is safety week! So that should be easy :P On the not so plus side. I will likely be extremely bored. I spend pretty much erry day waiting for school to end so it can be summer. And I can get money like 50 cent. And supposedly bitches come with the munnies :O Lol.

I still remember my boss when I left my temp job at Winexpert. "All the ladies will be all over you once you're an electrician. You'll be setup so well to be a Journeyman at such a young age" Let's hope so? lol

*section removed due to possibility of offense*

^ I'm going to start putting that when I want to tell someone something but don't want to hurt their feelings. So win. Everyone will always be in doubt at whether or not I am annoyed at them xDD And that is how I will troll people's real lives :P


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