Tuesday, February 1, 2011


^ Because this is what you all were thinking I figure I might as welll answer it =P MY COMPUTER KICKED THE FUCKING CAN AND FUTURESHOP TOOK 2 WEEKS TO FIX IT NO I'M NOT ANGRY.

Now.....onto new things...like. WHAT. THE. FUCK.

When I lost my computer my first thought was "NOOO MY BLOGS GUNNA DIE." And after I got over that i thought "well maybe it'll be good for me to get away from facebook for a while"

Here is the conclusion. A) It is good to get away from facebook B) You cannot get away from facebook C) Some people only care about you because it's easy D: I mean really. I lost my computer for about two weeks and I simply lost contact with some people I really cared about. They didn't make any effort to talk to me at alll :( It felt horribad. Sure some people did which shows that they ARE AWESOME. But others just forgot about me D:

And I know they still care. But the fact that they didn't really show any effort to keep in touch sure makes you feel like it's the opposite D:

ANYWAYS. Trust me. I got lots of backlog to blog about so there will be no shortage of posts for a bit =P


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