Monday, February 14, 2011

Vincent Valentine

Wooohoo! It's Valentines Day =P And I don't care once again xD Okay, well maybe I do care a little. I mean everyone who doesn't have a special person and says they don't care is lying to themselves =P But I think I'll live.

At least I have my replacement girlfriend Sea Anemone! :D It's funny because when I don't have a girlfriend I really do treat her like she's my girl sometimes :S And I'm not going to lie it's pretty unusual. And not going to lie at times I think it approaches the line. As Avenue Q taught me "there is a fine line between a lover and a friend." But as long as you know where the line is and you don't cross it it's fun to walk beside it as long as that knowledge that you'll never cross it is there =P I really think every guy out there should have at least one really close female friend because then you always have someone to go to with ur woman issues =P Because when it comes down to it, having one is probably the only thing that keeps me from hating women cause they can do some pretty lame things sometimes xDD And I know people who don't have any and wellll, they turn out like assholes :S But don't think having one gives you some great understanding of their mysterious alien race. Bitches are still confusing :S lol

It's funny because this day makes me think about people I might want to go out with. And it's even funnier that I can't really think of anyone right now :S A Sea Lion told me today that I have too high standards. But I can't help it :O

Is it so wrong to want someone with a soul? >.> Something odd is I seem to see more of the qualities I like in girls that usually end up already being in relationships. I don't know if there was some secret draw that happened before I was really paying attention to finding a mate or if when they're in a relationship I see more of the qualities I like because I'm thinking of someone I'd want to be in a relationship with. I really don't know...

All I know is right now I don't see much out there for me for the next little while. But it's okay, I've gotten used to waiting.


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