Thursday, February 10, 2011

If You've Got An Issue, Here's A Tissue

^^ BAM! Austin Powers quote right there. You wish you were coo like that =P

Anyways. Today it's time for Issue Thursday! Okay so it's not a real segment and it probably won't recur BUT I DONT CARE. I wanted to name it because it makes it feel more important :D

Some people have really boring plain jane first memories. But my first memory is of being forgotten in the car while my family went to the PNE. Now they walked all the way from the parking lot, bought tickets, and entered the freaking park before they realized they forgot me. I was banging on the window and crying when they came back :_: It is so sadddddd. Now some poeple would pass this off as random event that occured in their lives. But since I am a Sea Cucumber I must attempt to give it a larger meaning and link it to who I am as a person now even if it's a stretch! Actually it wasn't my link, someone else did it for me =P But I'll take it! Abandonment Issues anyone?

See I'm a real clingy person >.> I try not to be but I am. I am 100% certain it led to the end of at LEAST one relationship for me and mayyyy have contributed to the end of another >.> And I try really hard not to be that way but I am. And it's not just in relationship too! It's in everyday life! If I'm out with a big group I'm not a fan of splitting up D:

And I've had lots of things contribute to this over the years D: Best friends moving away or just going to other schools, family stuff D: I'm sure all of these contributed to make me what I am. And I don't regret it! Hell some people like it about me. But it sure has had it's negatives over the years! I like to put the positive spin on it and say it gives me a puppy dog like quality but it probably doesn't xD



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