Monday, February 21, 2011

Cancer :_:

Cancer is lamesauce. And I'm not going to lie that going into this blog post and thus far in my life I haven't had a huge amount of experience with friends or family being affected by Cancer. My aunt's best friend has cancer right now (not sure exactly what kind) as is going through chemotherapy which has brought my aunt down from the interior to visit quite a bit recently so she can see her friend.

Now when it comes to chemotherapy there are a couple of cancers it does really well against such as Leukemia. But it doesn't have much of a success rate when it comes to a lot of others. The drugs in chemotherapy work by killing the cancer cells, unfortunately they kill a lot of normal cells at the same time and just end up ravaging the body. Interesting Fact: 81% of cancer specialists wouldn't consent to a drug trial due to the effects on the body and its innefectiveness.

It's pretty bad that most of the things people associate with cancer as symptoms are actually symptoms of the treatment for cancer rather than the affliction itself.

Now we in Port Coquitlam have had the greatness of Terry Fox drilled into our heads damn good. And don't get me wrong he himself, a great man. And his family are also really good people for continuing his legacy. But give a pause and think about the big picture for a minute.

We have a cure for cancer but no one seems to think about it. Prevention. Most cancers (I believe more than the one third that the Canadian Cancer Society officially states) can be prevented through the simple act of a healthy lifestyle. But it seems rare to hear about money being put into education on cancer prevention, it's always going into a (likely non-existent) cure.

The pharmaceutical companies that make chemotherapy drugs make unimaginable amounts of money yearly off of the suffering of the people that have cancer. But you can't patent prevention. Do those companies really care about helping you or do they care about the money they make while they do it?

I myself don't give money to those charities that are trying to cure cancer, and I don't run in their gatherings either. Keeping in mind some cancers are greatly influenced by genetics. But these things just can't be helped. Some people get born in the Congo, some in Canada. Some people genetically lean towards cancer and some don't. It's unfortunate, but would you rather they be cured and pass on their genes which can give their children a tendency for cancer that might not be cured?

Cancer's a horrible thing. It's serious business. And I do recognize that those walks can raise money that go into research into the start of cancer, the genetics, and the lives of the people who get it. And I recognize that they are really good for those who have lost people because it gives them a way of feeling like they're giving back. But I still won't run, because I know that all of those organizations go back in one way or another to a man who has a company that makes drugs and sells them. And he cares about giving his family a nice life. And I bet he makes sure they eat well and get exercise. Because he knows a lot more than most people about cancer...

Cancer Prevention Diet

Everything you smoke,drink,eat, breathe, and be around, along with your physical activity comes into play.

Now let's face it I'm a regular person. I don't get as much exercise as I would like. But I eat well enough, I don't smoke tobacco (not going to get into the smoking of anything else right now, different subject lol) And I do stuff I probably shouldn't. And we're all regular people. It doesn't need to make you a health nut. But I know people who eat Mcdonalds on a daily basis and are always complaining because theirs something wrong with them healthwise. I wonder why? I eat Mcdonalds. Hell I love Mcdonalds! But I only get it for special occassions.

Example: Out late with a friend and I want to be nice and buy them something or a friend is in from out of town and I want to hang out with them somewhere.

In the end I do try. And I hope you do too! Because so far cancer hasn't affected me much and I'd rather it doesn't.

Note: I went to look for pictures to prevent TL;DR syndrome. But I didn't want to post anything horrifying and I didn't want to take away from the seriousness of the post. Plus, if you're too lazy to read you'll probably just dismiss everything I say anyways because you're too lazy to try and improve your diet. Oh well, good luck. That's all I can say to you.

Note2: Meme Monday is being pushed to Tuesday because I say so lol


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