Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Basic Instinct

It's wed-nez-day and that means it's time to highlight a beautiful woman in the world! :) Today I bring you the wonders of Sharon Stone.

Believe it or not she is at the ripe young age of 45 in this photo!!! :O (She's 52 now) Now she MUST have had things done which I'm not a huge fan of but that's her perogative (spelling?) lol

She is a great actress who has been in some movies I've really liked like Total Recall (Schwarznegger and a pretty girl in a sci-fi that features a three breasted mutant woman BOO YEAH!!!!) And Basic Instinct (oh baby :D) And most important of all! She's hot! =P

And believe it or not I really respect her, even though she lied for years about being some kind of genius >.> You see unlike many actresses today who are essentially objects of lust in a lot of their movies and never show anything. *coughMeganFoxcough* When she went to do the movie Basic Instinct and was going to play a woman who had a lot of crazy sex do you know what she did? There were a lot of sex scenes, and she bared it ALL. And you know what? If you aren't going to show me what you've gott don't play a slutty character. That just makes no sense. Hell, in all the litigation to get Basic Instinct 2 released she was fighting to include more sex scenes while others were against it! Unfortunately they apparently had to cut a really good group sex scene from the movie to get an R rating xDD

Listed as one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world in 1992 I most certainly agree. And it's not just because I've seen her vag xDD She was willing to truly get into a character in a way most actresses of high caliber today refuse to do and for that she gets some R-E-S-P-E-C-T from me. And even if she's not as beautiful now she certainly did a damn good job of holding onto it for a long time.

1) Side boob 2) Short hair <3
Yum :D
Sharon Angry ;)

I appreciate a pretty lady =P So what? Stop reading my blog if you don't like it xD lol


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