Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Black Boys Rape Our Young Girls But Violet Gives Willingly

This ^ is how BCIT taught you to remember the numbers that go with Carbon resistors in the 70s. That's awesome. Just saying. The new version is lamo and less racist and is about beer and vodka =P

You know I has a total backlog of topics but new ideas might get in the way of old ones. Today's topic is BEING AN ADULT. I go to school at BCIT and am the youngest person in the Electrical course I am taking because I applied before I was out of high school. Anyways, I've met a lot of really awesome people including a single mother who is a awesome chick super genius, a childrens book authoring slow learner, a hilarious dubstep lover, and a WoW shitty music infinity ward jizzover-er.  Anyways, BCIT treats it's classes like a workplace. If you are going to be late you call your teacher and tell him as if he was your employer, you comply with Worksafe BC regulations, and you treat people with R-E-S-P-E-C-T. One class member wasn't treating people with respect. According to him my asian bud Chen is a bitch and I am a faggot and Stephanie (awesome chick super genius) is continually trying to get with this dude whose nickname is Bret Hart (see image below) even though she isn't.

ANYWAYS. He was being a douche. I confronted him about it in class and when I did other people pointed out that they felt the same way, but his douchery continued.. I went to the teacher and said "Look it. We pay to be here and we all treat each other with respect. So we deserve to be treated with respect in return right?" Long story short. This guys on a short leash and he's one complaint away from being kicked out of the course =P

Now I actually did exactly the opposite of what I've always done in this situation and what I've been taught to do and what I've told others to do. I usually accept the fact that there are dicks in the world, understand that most of what he says is intended as a joke and bite my lip because I don't like confrontation. But this time it wasn't just affecting me it was affecting friends of mine and it wasn't a teacher who was a bitch or an employer who hated me this was a person was my equal and I had every right to just as enjoyable a time at school as he did. You don't let an equal exert power over you. R-E-S-P-E-C-T yourself.

I'm 19 years old and he is 24 so you would think he'd be the more mature one but that wasn't the case. In the end he'll be kicked out of the course if he harasses me or anyone else again. Now I do hope he gets his act together and today it seemed like he did. So hey, maybe I'll find myself working with him in ten years :)


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