Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Florence Welch (>^.^)>

Did I say something about having a thing for women who make music? I think I did. In case you didn't read it though. I have a thing for women who rock.Florence Welch is one of these women :) A very beautiful woman who makes very beautiful music. She's a redhead and that makes her okay in my books :D It better damn well be natural! I hope she hasn't been lying to me D: I think it's natural and then she dyes it different reds...ANYWAYS. To top it all off her voice is tremendous! And when she sing it compounds with her astonishing appearance :O

I love her album "Lungs" and can't wait for her next one. Not much to say. She bears her soul in her music and is a lovely lady :) We're going to slip a little music in here with some pics of our chosen woman this time :D

Awesome :D
How to Sing Pretty :)
How to pose :D


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