Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Swedish Japanese Speaking Transvestite Who Enjoys Long Walks On The Beach

Longest title yet? I'm not sure...

Does it in any way relate to the actual blog? No. It just is. Let it be. Now expect this post to be more random than usual (yes it is possible)

A long time ago in a land far far away.

I was in grade 12 and I was going home from school and saw a person wanting to turn left onto a busy street and they had been waiting a long ass time to do so D: And school has just gotten out so a lot of people were walking down the street. Now a group of people crossed the street and went behind the car because the car was pretty far out so it could see and had been waiting a long time to turn. What polite people.

Enter Well-Dressed-Bitch who's walking by herself. Considering how far out the car was already it was actually more out of her way, but she walked in front of the car waiting to turn. It just so happens this would have been the break in traffic that car had been waiting for. But not today. Because this bitch walked in front of the person.

Now you might be saying "Aren't you assuming a lot based off one little action?" and "How in the hell do you remember this?!?! It was a freaking year ago!!!" and "Well it's not like she did anything wrong" and "She probably didn't even realize what she was doing"

I don't know. When I saw this happen it just happened to stick in my mind and now it's unsticking from my mind and sticking on my blog =P And no, I'm not assuming a lot based off of one little action. You see it's those little things that reveal someones true nature. And it's in those moments that you're not thinking about what you're doing when you show your true self. Sure what she did wasn't technically wrong. In fact she was on the right side of the law.  Then again it's on the right side of the law for me to do a lot of things that I don't do. And it's on the wrong side of the law for me to do a lot of things I do. So the law isn't exactly the best measure of what's right.

Well....that's an interesting conclusion I just hopped to :S  But hey. I'll go with it. It's true anyways.


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