Saturday, February 5, 2011

Two Best Words In The English Language: Car, Ma

^ That's a Simpsons quote right there, paraphrased of course =P

Karmaaaaa. I've been TRYING to believe in it for a while. And while I know doing good things doesn't necessarily mean good things will happen to me I do believe that doing them will make me feel good and hey, maybe that'll make good things more likely to happen to me =P I like my selfish belief in karma :D

An interesting example of possible karma happened tonight on my way to see Avenue Q with a Sea Lion (IT WAS AMAZING BY THE WAY OH MY FREAKING LORD)

ANYWAYSSSSS my example is. Sea Cucumber and a Sea Lion get off skytrain on granville with messily jotted notes of how to get to where we want to go. We are massive fails and finding places and are just walking hoping to see the street we want when a dude comes up to us. He's wearing a Nucks jersey and tells a story about needing cash for the skytrain. And while I'm usually not one to believe these things I felt like he was a good guy so both I and the Sea Lion gave him some change which according to him gave him enough to get home.

Not 30 seconds later we are standing at a corner talking quietly trying to read our instructions that really dont make any sense when a dude comes out of nowhere. I mean this guy could've just popped into existence JUST for us right then. He turns around walks straight over to us and asks if we need any help finding anything. We tell him the street we want to find and he tells us exactly how to get there. It was sort of creepy...

Karma? I don't know :S Mayyyybeeee.....

And not to be repetitive buttttt AVENUE Q WAS DOUBLY FREAKING AWESOME. No doubt you might see some posts inspired or totally ripped from it (cause i'm a bass turd) in the future =P

Related Stuff: The song Karma Police by Radiohead! rocks <--- click the link! :)


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