Thursday, February 24, 2011

I'm Like Woah!

 I love the wind. it freaking rocks. The last 2 days when I've gotten off school there has been some beautiful sunshine and this powerful wind. It's been so purdy and nice out :) And I don't wear my coat even though it's cold out because the chill makes me feel awesome!

Seriously! It's all refreshing and it blows in different ways and its unpredictable and it is just epic. It made me feel so good. Thank you Mr.Wind for being there for me the last two days :)

I almost missed grabbing my ride because I had zoned out while I was walking :O It's funny how something small like that can take you out of where you currently are and what you are currently doing and have you sort of float above yourself. It could be an awesome song, hell it could be a nice evening of drunkenness on the weekend :P

It's funny. Because my life has been sort of windy lately. I'm so used to planning everything out. Hell way back when I used to write things down that I thought of as conversation topics because I was the most  boring kid and I hoped to be interesting people. But now I'm just floating along on the wind being myself and it is working great. I have been a big worrier since forever and I've had a really overactive mind that is always thinking about something so the ten or so minute moments after school these last two days have been awesome for me. For ten minutes there I didn't worry :) And I just want to capture that and carry it with me all the time. Instead of focusing on all the lameness I need to focus on the fact that life is awesome...

Life for me has just been school and video games lately and it had sort of been bringing me down. I want to hang with all my friends but there is just so little time in the weekends and it's hard to get together with people during the week D:

 But I guess this is what being an adult is like? And I need to accept it.

It's funny because as I thought about this blog post the last two days a man who i sort of look up to has been thinking the same thing. And today he posted a video on youtube outlining his train of thought and it's really similar to mine. Take a minute. Watch this video. You'll hear a man talking and you'll watch a man play video games. Don't. Bring up another browser and just listen to the video. Maybe him and I are just on the same wavelength right now :S But this video helped me define the way I've been feeling and from his previous videos I sort of feel like he's a lot like me.

So give it a listen. And if it sounds like I've taken things he said and used it as my own, well I kind of did because as I said he helped me define my thoughts. And also I didn't because I've been feeling this way on my own.

Hell you don't have to listen. But It'd be nice if you did :)

Seananners - Why So Serious?


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