Monday, February 7, 2011

It's not my Gearstick??

Another week of blogging. YAY ME :D

I keep thinking I need to come up with these gimmicks for the days of the week because I'll run out of things to say but I don't seem to run out =P Mad Lib Monday was born and after my first one I feel like throwing this newborn in the dumpster behind the 7/11. I made one with a random word generator and a mad lib I found on the interwebz based on Phoebe from Friends's Smelly Cat song =P I'll throw it at the end of the post xD

ANYWAYS. Today my entire backyard was destroyed by men with jackhammers and a backhoe that ran over my back fence :( You see they added a second lane to my street which took away our parking on it so now we don't have enough room to park cars. We need a garage. To do that the city made us destroy our deck roof. And for some reason also made us destroy our yard :(

It makes me sadddd. I used to climb those trees!!! I imagine the fish are scared shitless because of the jackhammers D: We have a big pond with loads of fish! There's a koi that's over a foot long! Beat that! Anyways, it's a sad day to be Anthonys backyard :( You know I used to have a treehouse and would play Lasertag back thar D:

Oh welllllll. Things change I guess. I've never been good with change. I'm the kind of person who likes to get comfortable in a routine =P So things like this bug me, but watcha gunna do? Most of the change in my life has happened in the last year...oh shit. But the last years been like my best year ever! So...maybe I do like change? =P DAMNIT. WHY DID THIS HAVE TO BE ONE OF THOSE POSTS WHERE I START OF SAYING ONE THING AND END UP SAYING THE OPPOSITE.

Smelly Cat (Phoebe's Song) Mad Lib

Smelly Sea Cucumber, smelly Sea Cucumber
What are they Circumrotating you?
Smelly Sea Cucumber, smelly Sea Cucumber
It`s not your Hydrobomb.

They won`t Melodramatize you to the Dental Hygenist.
You`re obviously not their Techy Sea Anemone.
You may not be a Crowfoot of Schoolfellows,
And you`re no Friend to those with Toes.

Smelly Sea Cucumber, smelly Sea Cucumber
What are they Ambulating you?
Smelly Sea Cucumber, smelly Sea Cucumber
It`s not your Gearstick.


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