Thursday, February 3, 2011

Facebook - The Ultimate Circle Jerk

I have such a backlog of things I wanted to say on my blog. But now that I go back to my epic list of epic possibilities I don't really feel motivated to talk about that stuff :S It's in the past. And I am looking to the future! Which seem quite bright by the way :D

Okay. Now, son. Sit down. It's time we had a talk. You see you may have noticed things have been changing a lot lately. You're growing hair where you never were before, your voice is changing. And girls are seeming a lot more interesting. That's because of your Epeen son. Now in the long long ago only losers who browsed the internet in their free time, trolled to their hearts desires, and were shunned by real human beings had an Epeen. The Epeen is the fictional concept of your internet penis. (mine's pretty big BEETEEEDUBZ) But when facebook started to get really popular suddenly EVERYONE had a peen. And now if you are a facebook addict (like me) you need your peen stroked regularly! If it doesn't receive constant stimulation it gets sad and flaccid :(

Now! Here are some ways to increase the size of your epeen that are facebook related (I'm not going to get into other places on the interwebz xD)

1) Have conversations on peoples walls rather than in their inbox so it comes up on peoples feeds and puts you out there and makes you look like you have a life

2) Poke people and be poked back! Or start some silly poke collection thing so people will poke you lots :D

3) Make everything you do an event. It makes your life feel eventful =P

4) Find other people who care about the size of their epeen! If you stroke them they will in turn stroke you and you can start a big circle jerk of love :D

5) Accept that friend request from Lithuania! Who cares!

6) Take pictures and post them! I disapprove of camwhores but hey, if the shoe fits =P

And there you go! You've got at least eight or nine inches of solid epeen now! :D Congratulationsssss!!!

Now if you'll excuse me I've gotta go...I've gotta link this to fb ;) Ohhh that bitch....fuck yea...........


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