Friday, February 18, 2011

The Cake is Not a Lie!!!

I love Cake. They are officially my favourite band ever :D And believe me giving them that distinction was difficult cause I like wayyyy too many bands xD They're basically a pretty relaxed alternative rock band with one thing that seperates them from the pack. Its John Mcrea and his sexy voice and lyrics that are sometimes singing sometimes spoken word. The lyrics are what get me. THEY ARE SO AMAZING. Something really odd is Mcrea's love with the instrument that has seen usage on almost every (if not every) album by the band. It's called the vibraslap (sounds dirty :D) And it makes this epic sound! You'll defs see it in some of the songs I post.

Note to self: Remember to buy a vibraslap for next Christmas

They've been releasing albums since 1994. My favourites being Fashion Nugget which was their second album released in 1996 and Comfort Eagle which came out in 2001 :) They just released Showroom of Compassion and it was their first album in 7 years! :O

Anyways, I realize I'm not going into too much detail but it's because I have difficulty describing the music a lot of bands make :S I just like to post their songs and you can listen to them and decide for yourselves :) I will post the lyrics to one of my favourite songs and then some links to cool videos :)

Short Skirt is one of their most popular songs. And that's cause its awesome! =P And it has the vibraslap! lol. End Of The Movie is actually a video made by a fan but I really like it, and the song is awesome so it makes it in :D Sick of You is a single from the new album Showroom Of Compassion.

Short Skirt, Long Jacket (Everyones fav song) AND VIBRASLAP ;)
Sheep Go To Heaven!
End Of The Movie
I Will Survive (Cover of Gloria Gaynor that is AMAZING)
Sick Of You - Recent Single :)


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