Monday, February 28, 2011

A Boy and His Machine Gun

I had a really fun weekend that was a little too busy to blog as much as I usually do :O Went to the Giants game. We raped. I have the best brother ever. Oh yeah. Family snow shoveling and breakfast, I have the best family ever. Oh yeah.

Now I went on a date on Friday! :O And I had lots of fun and I'm pree sure she had lots of fun too :P But then she went on another date on Sunday. Woahoahoahoah. Now see that's fine, cause we just went on a date and we're not in a relationship :) So she can go on other dates too.

I mean it's not against the rules right? But the girl I'm looking for probably wouldn't go around testing the waters with every guy who's interested in her at the moment :S Sooo even though she's an awesome girl I think that might've turned me off :S Whether she wants to go out again or not :S

So yeah. back to that "are my standards too high?" thing :S

I mean at this point are there so few out there that I am supposed to get into that whole competition with other guys thing or what? Or are there plenty of fish in the sea so I can let this one go? Or does taking that stance just mean I'm being submissive to all the other guys out there who are looking for the same thing as me so they're always gonna win and I'll never get what I want >.> AHHH! :P

Blargh. Still trying to figure out how this whole thing works xD

Oh and I'm thinking of shaving the beard and starting again so it looks better or getting rid of it all together? :O It's such a hard choice because I KNOW I would look better if I had any clue what I was doing when I started xD But starting again is soooo harddd. I NEED HELP CHOOSING :P

Neglecting Duties :O

ZOMG. I haven't been posting D: I am such a bad person. I believe I owe my readers a cute image and an awesome meme so here we go!!!

Look at that money on cat action!

For Meme Monday I bring you one that I'm not sure is very popular :O Hipster Ariel is all the rage right now but I'm a fan of bringing Hipsterism to all Disney characters!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Tragically Hip

One of my topCanadian bands of all time. They've been pumping out albums since before I was born and they're still doing it :) Gord Downie the singer is awesomely passionate and a super cool weirdo :D And not going to lie. Love the hair on the guitarists Langlois + Baker

They're in line with the Matthew Good Band and The Guess Who as legends in my eyes :) Like I say I always have trouble describing bands that I find unique so I'll let the music do that talking. And yes I do recognize The Hip do show quite a bit of resemblance to R.E.M. when it comes to musical style. Interesting in that both bands formed in 1980. Some say that R.E.M. was so awesome us Canadians had to have our own version. I think it's the other way around but I love both bands still :P

Note: Second song (Poets - Woodstock) cuts out before the end but I dont care. It's so amazing. Look closely for some Canadian tits ;) Man I'm such a perv xDDD

The Tragically Hip and Their Friend? :O
Woodstock :D

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I'm Like Woah!

 I love the wind. it freaking rocks. The last 2 days when I've gotten off school there has been some beautiful sunshine and this powerful wind. It's been so purdy and nice out :) And I don't wear my coat even though it's cold out because the chill makes me feel awesome!

Seriously! It's all refreshing and it blows in different ways and its unpredictable and it is just epic. It made me feel so good. Thank you Mr.Wind for being there for me the last two days :)

I almost missed grabbing my ride because I had zoned out while I was walking :O It's funny how something small like that can take you out of where you currently are and what you are currently doing and have you sort of float above yourself. It could be an awesome song, hell it could be a nice evening of drunkenness on the weekend :P

It's funny. Because my life has been sort of windy lately. I'm so used to planning everything out. Hell way back when I used to write things down that I thought of as conversation topics because I was the most  boring kid and I hoped to be interesting people. But now I'm just floating along on the wind being myself and it is working great. I have been a big worrier since forever and I've had a really overactive mind that is always thinking about something so the ten or so minute moments after school these last two days have been awesome for me. For ten minutes there I didn't worry :) And I just want to capture that and carry it with me all the time. Instead of focusing on all the lameness I need to focus on the fact that life is awesome...

Life for me has just been school and video games lately and it had sort of been bringing me down. I want to hang with all my friends but there is just so little time in the weekends and it's hard to get together with people during the week D:

 But I guess this is what being an adult is like? And I need to accept it.

It's funny because as I thought about this blog post the last two days a man who i sort of look up to has been thinking the same thing. And today he posted a video on youtube outlining his train of thought and it's really similar to mine. Take a minute. Watch this video. You'll hear a man talking and you'll watch a man play video games. Don't. Bring up another browser and just listen to the video. Maybe him and I are just on the same wavelength right now :S But this video helped me define the way I've been feeling and from his previous videos I sort of feel like he's a lot like me.

So give it a listen. And if it sounds like I've taken things he said and used it as my own, well I kind of did because as I said he helped me define my thoughts. And also I didn't because I've been feeling this way on my own.

Hell you don't have to listen. But It'd be nice if you did :)

Seananners - Why So Serious?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Florence Welch (>^.^)>

Did I say something about having a thing for women who make music? I think I did. In case you didn't read it though. I have a thing for women who rock.Florence Welch is one of these women :) A very beautiful woman who makes very beautiful music. She's a redhead and that makes her okay in my books :D It better damn well be natural! I hope she hasn't been lying to me D: I think it's natural and then she dyes it different reds...ANYWAYS. To top it all off her voice is tremendous! And when she sing it compounds with her astonishing appearance :O

I love her album "Lungs" and can't wait for her next one. Not much to say. She bears her soul in her music and is a lovely lady :) We're going to slip a little music in here with some pics of our chosen woman this time :D

Awesome :D
How to Sing Pretty :)
How to pose :D

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Could Happen to Anyone D:

Pretty typical story right? You see someone who's been in an accident and no one has stopped to help yet so you take it upon yourself. I would do the same. And that's just what had happened. The first car hit a cement barrier so this other couple took it upon themselves to stop and make sure they were okay and didn't need any help. No one was seriously hurt in the accident but then another driver hit the people on the side of the raod. But I'm not going to talk about the victims, because that's the way life is. You never know when it could end. And it's sad, but they're gone now.

I'm going to talk about the man who is facing 7 charges for hitting and killing these people who were on the side of the road. Cory Sater tore down the roof of my deck a week ago. He was a really nice guy with a great sense of humor, who was the only of his fathers kids who was on a straight and narrow path. He was here tearing down the deck roof that he had built about ten years ago on behalf of his dads company. He's diabetic and he has two kids that his girlfriend left him with. He is the one facing those 7 charges. He fled the scene of the accident. He shouldn't have.

Now most of you would say "Well he shouldn't have driven off!" And most of you think that you wouldn't do that, and you would stop and help. But no one REALLY knows how they are going to react in the heat of the moment when something like that happens. No matter how good of a person you are your instinct might be to flee. I for one sympathize with Cory as much as I do with his victims. What's going to happen to his two kids he's raising without much help at all from his ex girlfriend? How's his father going to feel knowing the one son that wasn't wasting his life is now going to jail?

There's always two sides to a story.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Meme Monday is going to stay on monday because I have just encountered something that is totally bloggable (ITS A WORK OKAY. FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING DICK. ALWAYS NEY-SAYING. EVERYTHING I CREATE!!! WHY DONT YOU CREATE SOMETHING!!!!) for tomorrow.

Anyways. Meme Monday shall now commence as per the regular schedule of awesome.

Ahhh Socially Awkward Penguin. You make me feel better about myself :) Sometimes...when I don't see a connection between the penguins situation and me....okay...most of the time I see myself in the penguin. BUT NOT ALWAYS.

This is defs in my top 5 memes along with Bachelor Frog :D

Cancer :_:

Cancer is lamesauce. And I'm not going to lie that going into this blog post and thus far in my life I haven't had a huge amount of experience with friends or family being affected by Cancer. My aunt's best friend has cancer right now (not sure exactly what kind) as is going through chemotherapy which has brought my aunt down from the interior to visit quite a bit recently so she can see her friend.

Now when it comes to chemotherapy there are a couple of cancers it does really well against such as Leukemia. But it doesn't have much of a success rate when it comes to a lot of others. The drugs in chemotherapy work by killing the cancer cells, unfortunately they kill a lot of normal cells at the same time and just end up ravaging the body. Interesting Fact: 81% of cancer specialists wouldn't consent to a drug trial due to the effects on the body and its innefectiveness.

It's pretty bad that most of the things people associate with cancer as symptoms are actually symptoms of the treatment for cancer rather than the affliction itself.

Now we in Port Coquitlam have had the greatness of Terry Fox drilled into our heads damn good. And don't get me wrong he himself, a great man. And his family are also really good people for continuing his legacy. But give a pause and think about the big picture for a minute.

We have a cure for cancer but no one seems to think about it. Prevention. Most cancers (I believe more than the one third that the Canadian Cancer Society officially states) can be prevented through the simple act of a healthy lifestyle. But it seems rare to hear about money being put into education on cancer prevention, it's always going into a (likely non-existent) cure.

The pharmaceutical companies that make chemotherapy drugs make unimaginable amounts of money yearly off of the suffering of the people that have cancer. But you can't patent prevention. Do those companies really care about helping you or do they care about the money they make while they do it?

I myself don't give money to those charities that are trying to cure cancer, and I don't run in their gatherings either. Keeping in mind some cancers are greatly influenced by genetics. But these things just can't be helped. Some people get born in the Congo, some in Canada. Some people genetically lean towards cancer and some don't. It's unfortunate, but would you rather they be cured and pass on their genes which can give their children a tendency for cancer that might not be cured?

Cancer's a horrible thing. It's serious business. And I do recognize that those walks can raise money that go into research into the start of cancer, the genetics, and the lives of the people who get it. And I recognize that they are really good for those who have lost people because it gives them a way of feeling like they're giving back. But I still won't run, because I know that all of those organizations go back in one way or another to a man who has a company that makes drugs and sells them. And he cares about giving his family a nice life. And I bet he makes sure they eat well and get exercise. Because he knows a lot more than most people about cancer...

Cancer Prevention Diet

Everything you smoke,drink,eat, breathe, and be around, along with your physical activity comes into play.

Now let's face it I'm a regular person. I don't get as much exercise as I would like. But I eat well enough, I don't smoke tobacco (not going to get into the smoking of anything else right now, different subject lol) And I do stuff I probably shouldn't. And we're all regular people. It doesn't need to make you a health nut. But I know people who eat Mcdonalds on a daily basis and are always complaining because theirs something wrong with them healthwise. I wonder why? I eat Mcdonalds. Hell I love Mcdonalds! But I only get it for special occassions.

Example: Out late with a friend and I want to be nice and buy them something or a friend is in from out of town and I want to hang out with them somewhere.

In the end I do try. And I hope you do too! Because so far cancer hasn't affected me much and I'd rather it doesn't.

Note: I went to look for pictures to prevent TL;DR syndrome. But I didn't want to post anything horrifying and I didn't want to take away from the seriousness of the post. Plus, if you're too lazy to read you'll probably just dismiss everything I say anyways because you're too lazy to try and improve your diet. Oh well, good luck. That's all I can say to you.

Note2: Meme Monday is being pushed to Tuesday because I say so lol

Sunday, February 20, 2011


It is Sunday. I did not pass church. I did not collect $200. But I did look up cute pics on the internet :DD

If only I were teh sea lion :P

Life Has A Third Thing

You see there is one thing more than hot sexy sexy sex and sad horrible death! And I sort of didn't mention it in my post about the first two things life has. And this one is Frilly Fraternal Facilitating Factitious Folding Friends.

They are awesome and are (almost**) (i think****) as good as hot sexy sexy sex =P

Woahwoahwoah. This isn't going to be another one of those Sea Anemone posts is it? FUCK THAT. Been too many of those already. Bitch. Gunna boost her ego. No sir. Not me. This post is abouttttt

That guy who stops beside you at the front of a line at a red light and doesn't realize he's racing you but HE TOTALLY FREAKIN' IS.

AND how fun it is to teach an old person how to do something on the computer. YOU FEEL SO SMART.

AND I am watching an old man talk about his air purifier that you can't possible live without and you don't even know it. This nice old man is an asshole who is trying to take my money D:

Now Dyson on the other hand, that's a guy who is probably really cool. He makes vacuums and other stuff toooo.

I need to drink my milkshake now :) GOODNIGHT/

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Cake is Not a Lie!!!

I love Cake. They are officially my favourite band ever :D And believe me giving them that distinction was difficult cause I like wayyyy too many bands xD They're basically a pretty relaxed alternative rock band with one thing that seperates them from the pack. Its John Mcrea and his sexy voice and lyrics that are sometimes singing sometimes spoken word. The lyrics are what get me. THEY ARE SO AMAZING. Something really odd is Mcrea's love with the instrument that has seen usage on almost every (if not every) album by the band. It's called the vibraslap (sounds dirty :D) And it makes this epic sound! You'll defs see it in some of the songs I post.

Note to self: Remember to buy a vibraslap for next Christmas

They've been releasing albums since 1994. My favourites being Fashion Nugget which was their second album released in 1996 and Comfort Eagle which came out in 2001 :) They just released Showroom of Compassion and it was their first album in 7 years! :O

Anyways, I realize I'm not going into too much detail but it's because I have difficulty describing the music a lot of bands make :S I just like to post their songs and you can listen to them and decide for yourselves :) I will post the lyrics to one of my favourite songs and then some links to cool videos :)

Short Skirt is one of their most popular songs. And that's cause its awesome! =P And it has the vibraslap! lol. End Of The Movie is actually a video made by a fan but I really like it, and the song is awesome so it makes it in :D Sick of You is a single from the new album Showroom Of Compassion.

Short Skirt, Long Jacket (Everyones fav song) AND VIBRASLAP ;)
Sheep Go To Heaven!
End Of The Movie
I Will Survive (Cover of Gloria Gaynor that is AMAZING)
Sick Of You - Recent Single :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Righters Cube


Yeah did I mention I have writers block? Or is it personality block? :S Because this blog is really just an extension of my personality...Hrm...

Anyways. my life continues. Stuff happens in it. Some of it not suitable for blogging. Other things are! Like the fact that school just went from as easy as it gets to intensely difficult in about 2 hours >.> And the fact that I love video games and kick ass at them. I am 725th all time in Domination on Black Ops for the PS3. For those who don't know, about 500,000 people play Black Ops on a daily basis so to be that high of a rank in any game mode is insane. And it also shows I have no life =P

It's funny because I always worry I will run out of interesting and people will get bored of me. And I can point out instances in my life where I actually think that's happened D: I mean funnyness is pree much all I got going for me on a regular basis so I try to keep it going as often as possible =P Anyways it was only a matter of time till I ran out of interesting for my blog. But don't worry folks the interesting always comes back :) It just might take a bit =P Until then please enjoy very gross video. I hate myself for laughing at this girl because it's mean. But let's face it. She got caught brown handed.... xDDDD  LOL PUNS

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Basic Instinct

It's wed-nez-day and that means it's time to highlight a beautiful woman in the world! :) Today I bring you the wonders of Sharon Stone.

Believe it or not she is at the ripe young age of 45 in this photo!!! :O (She's 52 now) Now she MUST have had things done which I'm not a huge fan of but that's her perogative (spelling?) lol

She is a great actress who has been in some movies I've really liked like Total Recall (Schwarznegger and a pretty girl in a sci-fi that features a three breasted mutant woman BOO YEAH!!!!) And Basic Instinct (oh baby :D) And most important of all! She's hot! =P

And believe it or not I really respect her, even though she lied for years about being some kind of genius >.> You see unlike many actresses today who are essentially objects of lust in a lot of their movies and never show anything. *coughMeganFoxcough* When she went to do the movie Basic Instinct and was going to play a woman who had a lot of crazy sex do you know what she did? There were a lot of sex scenes, and she bared it ALL. And you know what? If you aren't going to show me what you've gott don't play a slutty character. That just makes no sense. Hell, in all the litigation to get Basic Instinct 2 released she was fighting to include more sex scenes while others were against it! Unfortunately they apparently had to cut a really good group sex scene from the movie to get an R rating xDD

Listed as one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world in 1992 I most certainly agree. And it's not just because I've seen her vag xDD She was willing to truly get into a character in a way most actresses of high caliber today refuse to do and for that she gets some R-E-S-P-E-C-T from me. And even if she's not as beautiful now she certainly did a damn good job of holding onto it for a long time.

1) Side boob 2) Short hair <3
Yum :D
Sharon Angry ;)

I appreciate a pretty lady =P So what? Stop reading my blog if you don't like it xD lol

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

There he Goes. One of God's own Prototypes. A High-powered Mutant of Some Kind Never Even Considered for Mass Production. Too Weird to Live, and too Rare to die.

Longest. Title. Ever. I have little to say today and figured I might as well just give you an interesting read. The title is a quote from the (exaggerated) biographical film about author, journalist, rebel, and druggie, Hunter S. Thompson. A really great man. At the age of 18 he wrote his "Open Letter to the Youth of our Nation." It is your job to interpret it for yourself but may I suggest you turn on your sarcasm detector?

Young people of America, awake from your slumber of indolence and hark-en the call of the future! Do you realise you are rapidly becoming a doomed generation? Do you realise that the fate of the world and of generations to come rests on your shoulders?  Do you realise that at any time you may be called on to protect your country and the freedom of the world from the creeping scourge of communism? How can you possibly laugh in the face of the disasters which face us all from all sides? Oh ignorant youth, the world is not a joyous place. The time has come for you to dispense with the frivolous pleasures of childhood and get down to honest toil until you are sixty-five. Then and only then can you relax and collect your social security and live happily until the time of your death. Also your insolent attitude disturbs me greatly. You have the nerve to say that you have never known what it is like to live in a secure and peaceful world; you say that the present generation has balled things up to the extent that we now face a war so terrible that the very thought of it makes hardened veterans shudder; you say it is our fault that World War ll  was fought in vein; you say that it is impossible to lay plans for the future until you are sure you have a future. I say Nonsense! None of these things matter. If you expect a future you must carve it out in the face of these things. You also say that you must wait until after you have served your time with the service to settle down. Ridiculous! It is a man’s duty to pull up stakes and serve his country at any time, then settle down again.

I say there is no excuse for a feeling of insecurity on your part;there is no excuse for juvenile delinquency; there is no excuse for your attitude except that you are rotten and lazy! I was never like that! I worked hard; I saved; I didn’t run around and stay out late at night; I carved out my own future through hard work and virtuous living, and look at me now: a respectful and successful man.
I warn you, if you don’t start now it will be too late, and the blame for the end of the world will be laid at your feet. Heed my warning, oh depraved and profligate youth; I say awake, awake, awake! 

Fearfully and disgustedly yours,       

                                                         John J. Righteous-Hypocrite.        

Monday, February 14, 2011

Meme Monday!

OH. And I almost forgot. Mad Lib Monday was extremely lame and I knew it. But I want a good four segments or so. That way if I get really lame all of a sudden and have nothing to say I can still post :) And thus we have the introduction of the final segment on Life As A Seacucumber!! MEME MONDAYS :DDD

There are so many awesome memes out there and they need to be brought to the attention of those who aren't big on the interwebz! Today's meme is Bachelor Frog!!!!! (For all those lonely people on Valentines Day)  Bachelor Frog is a wonderful character who personifies the best qualities of Bachelors out there :D

Vincent Valentine

Wooohoo! It's Valentines Day =P And I don't care once again xD Okay, well maybe I do care a little. I mean everyone who doesn't have a special person and says they don't care is lying to themselves =P But I think I'll live.

At least I have my replacement girlfriend Sea Anemone! :D It's funny because when I don't have a girlfriend I really do treat her like she's my girl sometimes :S And I'm not going to lie it's pretty unusual. And not going to lie at times I think it approaches the line. As Avenue Q taught me "there is a fine line between a lover and a friend." But as long as you know where the line is and you don't cross it it's fun to walk beside it as long as that knowledge that you'll never cross it is there =P I really think every guy out there should have at least one really close female friend because then you always have someone to go to with ur woman issues =P Because when it comes down to it, having one is probably the only thing that keeps me from hating women cause they can do some pretty lame things sometimes xDD And I know people who don't have any and wellll, they turn out like assholes :S But don't think having one gives you some great understanding of their mysterious alien race. Bitches are still confusing :S lol

It's funny because this day makes me think about people I might want to go out with. And it's even funnier that I can't really think of anyone right now :S A Sea Lion told me today that I have too high standards. But I can't help it :O

Is it so wrong to want someone with a soul? >.> Something odd is I seem to see more of the qualities I like in girls that usually end up already being in relationships. I don't know if there was some secret draw that happened before I was really paying attention to finding a mate or if when they're in a relationship I see more of the qualities I like because I'm thinking of someone I'd want to be in a relationship with. I really don't know...

All I know is right now I don't see much out there for me for the next little while. But it's okay, I've gotten used to waiting.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Meeting New People :)

Todays blog is about meeting new people! You see that party I was at on Friday did make me realize a lot (not all but a lot) of the people who go to house parties are the kind of people I don't really like :S

I am now on a mission to find new and exciting ways to meet cool peoples! :D School has helped with that as my class has some pretty cool guys and a pretty cool chick =P But I need moar! MOAR I SAYYYY!!!!

One of the ways that I think might work out is this group I discovered the other day. Vancouver Improv Anywhere! They do awesome things like bursting out into song on the Sea Bus, riding the Skytrain without pants on and freezing still like statues in the middle of Metrotown!

Methinks this will be a good way to meet cool people :D Links to videos of the stunts I've mentioned are at the end :)

Metrotown Freeze!
Bus Songs :D
High Five Vancouver

And it's time. For the reveal of another regular segment on the blog :) CUTE THINGS SUNDAY :D Remember that's Music Friday, Women Wednesday, the never coming back mad Libs Monday, and now this! :)


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Life Has Two Things: Hot Sexy Sexy Sex and Death, Sad Horrible Death :_:

Is that longer than that other title? Iunno but it's pretty long =P

Today's topic is HOT SEXY SEXY SEX :D lolol Not really sure where to get started on this one :S

You see I've still got my awesome V-card =P And for a while there I was resentful of everyone on the planet who had had sex. And that did last for a while and not going to lie it had an affect on how I felt around people sometimes :S I mean I felt like I was missing out on some super secret world of awesome D:

I'm turning 19 in a couple of months. And let's face it, I could go to a bar and by some drinks for the right girl and then I could get laid. And if I had had sex before this is probably exactly what I would do =P But you sort of want that first one to at least MEAN something to you so I guess I'll hold off however long it takes D:  I mean it's not like I want to wait for marriage or anything like that =P You just don't want some random chick :S

And given I have some (hopefully still intact) plans for travel to Amsterdam next year I would like to go to the red light distric without that V card. But if it's still there what're you gunna do right? I'll miss out on a certain aspect of Amsterdam, but in the end. I kind of think I can live with that...

Especially with the party I was at last night. How few people there are out there that I actually might want to be with :S The moment I saw about 90% of those girls I already hated them D: Just the way they carried themselves...

Maybe I'm being really accepting of myself. Or maybe I'm being really unaccepting of other people :S I really don't know. but I can't help how I feel >.>

And whatever you do...don't mix hot sexy sex and sad horrible death! Otherwise.....

Friday, February 11, 2011

Kyp Malone!

It's Music Friday again! Yayyyy :D Today we're going to focus on a person rather than a band :O And his name is Kyp Malone. Guitarist from an awesome band called TV On The Radio who have released some sexy music! There music issss hard for me to put in a genre. Plus I'm not a HUGE fan of penciling in a band as playing a specific type of music. And he's actually released a solo album too that I really like :D See below for Kyp's sexy beard.

Unfortunately I couldn't find a picture of Kyp Malone all I kept seeing in the pics was this beard so I figured I would just post that. If anyone can find an image of Kyp Malone please let me know. Below you'll find links to a few really good songs from his time with TV On The Radio and his solo work under the name Rain Machine :D

TV On The Radio - Wolf Like Me
Rain Machine - Give Blood
TV On The Radio - Staring At The Sun

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Apparently this blog hasn't contained enough pussy lately. I knew I attracted perverts with the Olivia Wilde picture =P One of them is my friend Sea Anemone. She request more pussy and so here is THE FIRST PUSSY EVER TO BE SEEN ON THIS BLOG IN THE HISTORY OF ITS OVER 2 WEEKS OF EXISTENCE.

If You've Got An Issue, Here's A Tissue

^^ BAM! Austin Powers quote right there. You wish you were coo like that =P

Anyways. Today it's time for Issue Thursday! Okay so it's not a real segment and it probably won't recur BUT I DONT CARE. I wanted to name it because it makes it feel more important :D

Some people have really boring plain jane first memories. But my first memory is of being forgotten in the car while my family went to the PNE. Now they walked all the way from the parking lot, bought tickets, and entered the freaking park before they realized they forgot me. I was banging on the window and crying when they came back :_: It is so sadddddd. Now some poeple would pass this off as random event that occured in their lives. But since I am a Sea Cucumber I must attempt to give it a larger meaning and link it to who I am as a person now even if it's a stretch! Actually it wasn't my link, someone else did it for me =P But I'll take it! Abandonment Issues anyone?

See I'm a real clingy person >.> I try not to be but I am. I am 100% certain it led to the end of at LEAST one relationship for me and mayyyy have contributed to the end of another >.> And I try really hard not to be that way but I am. And it's not just in relationship too! It's in everyday life! If I'm out with a big group I'm not a fan of splitting up D:

And I've had lots of things contribute to this over the years D: Best friends moving away or just going to other schools, family stuff D: I'm sure all of these contributed to make me what I am. And I don't regret it! Hell some people like it about me. But it sure has had it's negatives over the years! I like to put the positive spin on it and say it gives me a puppy dog like quality but it probably doesn't xD


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Emily Haines!!!!

It's Women Wednesday and you know what that means! :D A new chick who I THINK is hot! :D Keeping in mind I'm not always going to post pics of topless girls so all you pervs that I attracted with Olivia Wilde! Please stay! I'm a perv toooo =P But guess what! Women are hot when their clothed too! Deal with it =P

Today we have a very awesome woman named Emily Haines!

Lead singer of the Canadian Indie band Metric, she rocks my socks on a regular basis! And to tell you the truth I've always found women who rock to be VERY hot. I don't know what it is! Maybe it's the fact they seem powerful :S Or maybe it's the fact that they're passionate about their music =P Or maybe it's just the fact they have to look good whenever they're on stage lol Oh well. All I know is I can't deny my hots for rocker chicks =P

Oh Baby
Told Ya
Can't Deny This One

A beautiful woman :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I've Got Hoes + Lollipops

Area Codes is a poetic song by Ludacris where he talks about all the area codes he has hoes in. He also takes many words like "hospitality" and adds the word "hoe" or "whore" in front creating terms such as "Southern Hoespitality" and "whoroscope"

It's beautiful stuff people. Give it a chance. LUDA GOT HOES

You see this thing below here? It's a fancy way I might seperate my random shit ^ from my actual talk about shit. We'll see if it sticks =P


Man, so many of my friends have, or are getting tattoos now. I find it really weird. In my opinion about half of these people shouldn't be getting tattoos and are just doing it because other people are. And you know what, if you find something that's important or at least has some MEANING to you then go ahead and put it on your body. And if it doesn't have any meaning then it should be making you hotter =P lol

I myself considered getting a tattoo for a little while but I don't think I ever will. I don't really have an image that means anything to me and don't think it will make me any sexier....okay so I KNOW it won't xD And IMO those are the only two reasons I really see people getting tattoos for =P But these aren't necessarily bad reasons! The meaning one is always a good reason. But when it comes to the sexy.... You know how there are some people out there that just shouldn't dress themselves? Yeah. Well there's the same thing for tattoos =P See image below.

Now when it comes to piercings I am of a totally different mind. Mostly because you can take a piercing out if you want =P And not gunna lie I've always found them hot xD Don't know why :S And yes I do plan on getting my nipples pierced =P Some might say "gay", but fuck em. I disagree lol

So yeah. Piercings good. Tattoos good for some people. But not for others. Seriously. I will never date a girl with a tattoo of a Disney character >.> Or Hello Kitty >.> Or a lollipop.

Okay maybe a lollipop...... xD

Monday, February 7, 2011

It's not my Gearstick??

Another week of blogging. YAY ME :D

I keep thinking I need to come up with these gimmicks for the days of the week because I'll run out of things to say but I don't seem to run out =P Mad Lib Monday was born and after my first one I feel like throwing this newborn in the dumpster behind the 7/11. I made one with a random word generator and a mad lib I found on the interwebz based on Phoebe from Friends's Smelly Cat song =P I'll throw it at the end of the post xD

ANYWAYS. Today my entire backyard was destroyed by men with jackhammers and a backhoe that ran over my back fence :( You see they added a second lane to my street which took away our parking on it so now we don't have enough room to park cars. We need a garage. To do that the city made us destroy our deck roof. And for some reason also made us destroy our yard :(

It makes me sadddd. I used to climb those trees!!! I imagine the fish are scared shitless because of the jackhammers D: We have a big pond with loads of fish! There's a koi that's over a foot long! Beat that! Anyways, it's a sad day to be Anthonys backyard :( You know I used to have a treehouse and would play Lasertag back thar D:

Oh welllllll. Things change I guess. I've never been good with change. I'm the kind of person who likes to get comfortable in a routine =P So things like this bug me, but watcha gunna do? Most of the change in my life has happened in the last year...oh shit. But the last years been like my best year ever! So...maybe I do like change? =P DAMNIT. WHY DID THIS HAVE TO BE ONE OF THOSE POSTS WHERE I START OF SAYING ONE THING AND END UP SAYING THE OPPOSITE.

Smelly Cat (Phoebe's Song) Mad Lib

Smelly Sea Cucumber, smelly Sea Cucumber
What are they Circumrotating you?
Smelly Sea Cucumber, smelly Sea Cucumber
It`s not your Hydrobomb.

They won`t Melodramatize you to the Dental Hygenist.
You`re obviously not their Techy Sea Anemone.
You may not be a Crowfoot of Schoolfellows,
And you`re no Friend to those with Toes.

Smelly Sea Cucumber, smelly Sea Cucumber
What are they Ambulating you?
Smelly Sea Cucumber, smelly Sea Cucumber
It`s not your Gearstick.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Swedish Japanese Speaking Transvestite Who Enjoys Long Walks On The Beach

Longest title yet? I'm not sure...

Does it in any way relate to the actual blog? No. It just is. Let it be. Now expect this post to be more random than usual (yes it is possible)

A long time ago in a land far far away.

I was in grade 12 and I was going home from school and saw a person wanting to turn left onto a busy street and they had been waiting a long ass time to do so D: And school has just gotten out so a lot of people were walking down the street. Now a group of people crossed the street and went behind the car because the car was pretty far out so it could see and had been waiting a long time to turn. What polite people.

Enter Well-Dressed-Bitch who's walking by herself. Considering how far out the car was already it was actually more out of her way, but she walked in front of the car waiting to turn. It just so happens this would have been the break in traffic that car had been waiting for. But not today. Because this bitch walked in front of the person.

Now you might be saying "Aren't you assuming a lot based off one little action?" and "How in the hell do you remember this?!?! It was a freaking year ago!!!" and "Well it's not like she did anything wrong" and "She probably didn't even realize what she was doing"

I don't know. When I saw this happen it just happened to stick in my mind and now it's unsticking from my mind and sticking on my blog =P And no, I'm not assuming a lot based off of one little action. You see it's those little things that reveal someones true nature. And it's in those moments that you're not thinking about what you're doing when you show your true self. Sure what she did wasn't technically wrong. In fact she was on the right side of the law.  Then again it's on the right side of the law for me to do a lot of things that I don't do. And it's on the wrong side of the law for me to do a lot of things I do. So the law isn't exactly the best measure of what's right.

Well....that's an interesting conclusion I just hopped to :S  But hey. I'll go with it. It's true anyways.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Ah well. I forgot Music Friday =P But that doesn't really matter cause I'll post some awesome music now! :D I totally was going to talk The White Stripes because they officially broke up just a couple of days ago ;_; but I figured since I posted a song by them the first Music Friday I probably shouldn't do that again =P

And hey! I slipped a bit of Radiohead in last night so we'll just roll with that :) Radiohead is an awesome band that has been around a very long time now and they just keep releasing quality albums. They are most well known for the song "Creep" from their first album and I regard it as one of the best love songs of all time. Now since I love too many Radiohead songs I'll link to a couple, but if you aren't a fan or haven't heard of them or think Music Friday is lame and are only going to listen to one song you should definitely make it Creep :)  Now these aren't necessarily my favourite songs but they definitely rock! :D

Paranoid Android
High And Dry

Update: Super secret changes made. HAPPY MOLLUSK? =P

Two Best Words In The English Language: Car, Ma

^ That's a Simpsons quote right there, paraphrased of course =P

Karmaaaaa. I've been TRYING to believe in it for a while. And while I know doing good things doesn't necessarily mean good things will happen to me I do believe that doing them will make me feel good and hey, maybe that'll make good things more likely to happen to me =P I like my selfish belief in karma :D

An interesting example of possible karma happened tonight on my way to see Avenue Q with a Sea Lion (IT WAS AMAZING BY THE WAY OH MY FREAKING LORD)

ANYWAYSSSSS my example is. Sea Cucumber and a Sea Lion get off skytrain on granville with messily jotted notes of how to get to where we want to go. We are massive fails and finding places and are just walking hoping to see the street we want when a dude comes up to us. He's wearing a Nucks jersey and tells a story about needing cash for the skytrain. And while I'm usually not one to believe these things I felt like he was a good guy so both I and the Sea Lion gave him some change which according to him gave him enough to get home.

Not 30 seconds later we are standing at a corner talking quietly trying to read our instructions that really dont make any sense when a dude comes out of nowhere. I mean this guy could've just popped into existence JUST for us right then. He turns around walks straight over to us and asks if we need any help finding anything. We tell him the street we want to find and he tells us exactly how to get there. It was sort of creepy...

Karma? I don't know :S Mayyyybeeee.....

And not to be repetitive buttttt AVENUE Q WAS DOUBLY FREAKING AWESOME. No doubt you might see some posts inspired or totally ripped from it (cause i'm a bass turd) in the future =P

Related Stuff: The song Karma Police by Radiohead! rocks <--- click the link! :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Facebook - The Ultimate Circle Jerk

I have such a backlog of things I wanted to say on my blog. But now that I go back to my epic list of epic possibilities I don't really feel motivated to talk about that stuff :S It's in the past. And I am looking to the future! Which seem quite bright by the way :D

Okay. Now, son. Sit down. It's time we had a talk. You see you may have noticed things have been changing a lot lately. You're growing hair where you never were before, your voice is changing. And girls are seeming a lot more interesting. That's because of your Epeen son. Now in the long long ago only losers who browsed the internet in their free time, trolled to their hearts desires, and were shunned by real human beings had an Epeen. The Epeen is the fictional concept of your internet penis. (mine's pretty big BEETEEEDUBZ) But when facebook started to get really popular suddenly EVERYONE had a peen. And now if you are a facebook addict (like me) you need your peen stroked regularly! If it doesn't receive constant stimulation it gets sad and flaccid :(

Now! Here are some ways to increase the size of your epeen that are facebook related (I'm not going to get into other places on the interwebz xD)

1) Have conversations on peoples walls rather than in their inbox so it comes up on peoples feeds and puts you out there and makes you look like you have a life

2) Poke people and be poked back! Or start some silly poke collection thing so people will poke you lots :D

3) Make everything you do an event. It makes your life feel eventful =P

4) Find other people who care about the size of their epeen! If you stroke them they will in turn stroke you and you can start a big circle jerk of love :D

5) Accept that friend request from Lithuania! Who cares!

6) Take pictures and post them! I disapprove of camwhores but hey, if the shoe fits =P

And there you go! You've got at least eight or nine inches of solid epeen now! :D Congratulationsssss!!!

Now if you'll excuse me I've gotta go...I've gotta link this to fb ;) Ohhh that bitch....fuck yea...........

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Women Wednesdays!

Along with the wonderful Music Fridays I have implemented (which really have only had one installation in the series) we shall now have Women Wednesdays! Where I shall post a pic of a beautiful woman and (maybe) talk about why she is so very hot xD Today's woman is Olivia Wilde who just posed topless for FHM :DD You may know her as that numbered chick from House or the love interest with the cute short hair from the new Tron movie =P

Is there anything to explain? She's hot. She's going to marry me. Just like every other woman I put up for Women Wednesday =P I shall marry them all and they shall bear many little Sea Cucumbers. They just don't know it yet xDD

Black Boys Rape Our Young Girls But Violet Gives Willingly

This ^ is how BCIT taught you to remember the numbers that go with Carbon resistors in the 70s. That's awesome. Just saying. The new version is lamo and less racist and is about beer and vodka =P

You know I has a total backlog of topics but new ideas might get in the way of old ones. Today's topic is BEING AN ADULT. I go to school at BCIT and am the youngest person in the Electrical course I am taking because I applied before I was out of high school. Anyways, I've met a lot of really awesome people including a single mother who is a awesome chick super genius, a childrens book authoring slow learner, a hilarious dubstep lover, and a WoW shitty music infinity ward jizzover-er.  Anyways, BCIT treats it's classes like a workplace. If you are going to be late you call your teacher and tell him as if he was your employer, you comply with Worksafe BC regulations, and you treat people with R-E-S-P-E-C-T. One class member wasn't treating people with respect. According to him my asian bud Chen is a bitch and I am a faggot and Stephanie (awesome chick super genius) is continually trying to get with this dude whose nickname is Bret Hart (see image below) even though she isn't.

ANYWAYS. He was being a douche. I confronted him about it in class and when I did other people pointed out that they felt the same way, but his douchery continued.. I went to the teacher and said "Look it. We pay to be here and we all treat each other with respect. So we deserve to be treated with respect in return right?" Long story short. This guys on a short leash and he's one complaint away from being kicked out of the course =P

Now I actually did exactly the opposite of what I've always done in this situation and what I've been taught to do and what I've told others to do. I usually accept the fact that there are dicks in the world, understand that most of what he says is intended as a joke and bite my lip because I don't like confrontation. But this time it wasn't just affecting me it was affecting friends of mine and it wasn't a teacher who was a bitch or an employer who hated me this was a person was my equal and I had every right to just as enjoyable a time at school as he did. You don't let an equal exert power over you. R-E-S-P-E-C-T yourself.

I'm 19 years old and he is 24 so you would think he'd be the more mature one but that wasn't the case. In the end he'll be kicked out of the course if he harasses me or anyone else again. Now I do hope he gets his act together and today it seemed like he did. So hey, maybe I'll find myself working with him in ten years :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


^ Because this is what you all were thinking I figure I might as welll answer it =P MY COMPUTER KICKED THE FUCKING CAN AND FUTURESHOP TOOK 2 WEEKS TO FIX IT NO I'M NOT ANGRY.

Now.....onto new WHAT. THE. FUCK.

When I lost my computer my first thought was "NOOO MY BLOGS GUNNA DIE." And after I got over that i thought "well maybe it'll be good for me to get away from facebook for a while"

Here is the conclusion. A) It is good to get away from facebook B) You cannot get away from facebook C) Some people only care about you because it's easy D: I mean really. I lost my computer for about two weeks and I simply lost contact with some people I really cared about. They didn't make any effort to talk to me at alll :( It felt horribad. Sure some people did which shows that they ARE AWESOME. But others just forgot about me D:

And I know they still care. But the fact that they didn't really show any effort to keep in touch sure makes you feel like it's the opposite D:

ANYWAYS. Trust me. I got lots of backlog to blog about so there will be no shortage of posts for a bit =P