Sunday, January 9, 2011

So I Guess This Is It Then?

I made a blog because I post way too many facebook statuses about way too many things for anyone to see them all. So I figure this will be easier for everyone :) Or at least that's what I tell myself but it's probably bullshit =P I'm sure there's some reason I made it that the sea cucumber half of my brain is hiding... that bastard...

ANYWAYS. I am 18 years old. I am going to school. I live at home. I love video games and music and movies ever so much. And I have some really awesome friends who you will probably hear about at some point =P

Sooo for my first blog has to have emotional SUBSTANCE, and hilarity, and oddness and a lot of sexy...


And not that it needs to be said. But as always Rule 34 applies. Even to this blog.


Megatron said...

You will hear about me first because I started the Sea Cucumber-ness :D

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