Monday, January 10, 2011

Thank You Chocolate Bar :D

I thought that this would be something like a facebook+ where I would just post slightly longer versions of facebook statuses but now it feels like I'm probably just going to end up talking about completely different stuff =P And a lot of it lol And no this isn't like that episode of Corner Gas where Hank gets a blog so no one needs to talk to him anymore cause he just posts everything he has to say on his blog. YOU PEOPLE STILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH ME IN REAL LIFE TOO.

 Feels weird getting into the serious biznaz right away but why the hell not? It'll probably make it on here eventually anyways :S And when I don't think of anything funny to say you'll probably just end up with either rants on Polygamists homeschooling their kids about the dangers of doing drugs and the Dalai Lama or some of this introspective shiznat you're about to read =P

A year or so ago I had to deal with someone (not going to name names) who was having a really bad time with...well everything. And they were getting really depressed and they asked me. Straight up. What I thought the point of living was. I was amazed at how quick I was to come up with an answer because I couldn't leave this person hanging. And it might sound like a huge question but I found an answer that's pretty simple that I really like. And I understand I might only be 18 years old so I don't have much of the life experience to talk but I will. Because as all 18 year olds I think I know everything =P

My meaning of life would be to a) Help your fellow man. Be it on a day to day level like picking some one up at the bus station cause they didn't have any $ to get home, or on a larger scale by discovering insulin or something like that. and b) Experience everything you can. Because life is short, even though it might not always seem like it. And in that short time there are so many options open to you. I take it as my duty to experience as many things as possible in my life. Now if that means I end up traveling all over the world, doing alot of drugs, reading a lot of books, having lots of sex, or  or anything really. In fact that means I intend to do a little bit of all those things eventually. Who wants to go skydiving with me? :D My goal is to squeeze as many different things into my life as possible.

So I don't know if you've thought of an answer. But I'm happy because mine that I produced on the fly has actually done me a lot of good :)

This post while all deep and whatever has lots of Sea Cucumber randomness. Because there is literally absolutely nothing that made me think of doing this blog post until about ten minutes ago. And that thing wassssss. A chocolate bar I've had for almost a month and haven't eaten yet. Even though I know it's very yummy. :)


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