Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sea Anenome :)

Believe it or not readers of my blog their is a sea anenome out there. And yes aea anenome is different from Sea Cucumberette (Not looking for one right now but that's a different blog for a different time lol) =P

This Sea Anenome is the one who first revealed to me that I was in fact a Sea Cucumber. It took me a while to accept it but I now embrace it. I would say I have four ultimate best friends of ultimateness. There is myself (I AM AN AWESOME BEST FRIEND TO MYSELF) the Sea Cucumber, there is one Sea Anemone, then there is a Sea Shell (or Mollusk as i shall refer to him for now on), and the other one who i don't see often enough: Sea Horse :)

But today I shall talk about the Sea Anemone. Sea Anemone is pretty well one of the most amazing women on the face of the earth. JUST SAYING. But don't get any ideas because she's with one lucky freaking Mollusk =P She has been there for me whenever I've needed her and has shown herself to be a true friend. I could tell her anything and could trust that no one else would ever hear it from her. She listens to all my stupid troubles and all the ideas and thoughts that I come up with that come and go and change daily because I don't have the mental capacity to stick to one topic for long (or person...) for long. I've got to say I'm amazed how I really haven't known her for that long D: But I really don't ever think about that because it feels like it's been forever =P I applaud her for her ability to take in all the stupid and odd that is the Sea Cucumber :)
And thank goodness I've got her because if I didn't I'd be a saaaaaaaad panda-errr I mean Sea Cucumber! We've done a lot together and I hope there's much more to come! Likkkke CAMPING AND AMSTERDAM AND VEGAS? xD and who knows?!?! She's the kind of girl who you don't really try and predict =P And...what have I done for her? Ummm...I try to be funny? :S SHUTUP BRAIN I DO her ideas! and look at stumbled purses! anddddd wow I am rambling. Yay for Sea Anemones!

ANYWAYS. In Conclusion. While every Sea Cucumber does need a Sea Cucumberette eventually, a Sea Anemone is just as important :) Mollusks are pretty sweet too!!! But he doesn't get a special blog post until he sufficiently whines about the fact that Sea Anemone got one :DD Oh and Sea Horse. WELL MAYBE IF HE WAS AROUND MORE OFTEN. But yeah he's very cool =P


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