Sunday, May 15, 2011

Blogging Less and Less :O

Someone else is using my quotes for blog titles now :O So I can never think of anything good for mine anymore :S
I missed a super fun party bus to comfort mah sick girlfriend. And while the party bus sounded really fun,  I am very glad I stayed with the Sea Otter :) We had a good time :P Mostly just watching movies and stuff and just general being-with-each-other-ness

Life is pretty good right now :D There's only one thing. And I don't know why it annoys me :O I can't explain it! Sometimes the relationship between the Sea Otter and the Sea Anemone bugs me D:

But I really don't know why it bugs me :S I don't think it should... It's little things that will set me off :S And I really truly do not know why they bug me. And they ask me why and I can't explain it and then that makes them annoyed D: They think I'm just not telling them but I really don't know! But it keeps bugging me! I think it's a bit of jealousy. I feel like if I can't give the Sea Otter what she needs she will just go to the Sea Anemone. The Sea Otter was trying to get me to blog (before I started writing this) and I didn't feel like it. So she asked the Sea Anemone to blog :O And when she did that I got this horrible feeling D:

I can't think of any other examples off the top of my head because when people tell me to blog I don't have it really fully prepared in my head :S So the blog isn't as good. I remember the good old days when one blog was one really long fleshed out idea...

I have a lot of things on my mind that I'm thinking about right now. And I know I've been blogging less and less lately. And I feel like it might be because I'm getting less and less comfortable putting things out there. There are some things I should keep to myself. Because people over react to things.

And I feel like I have so much to say. But I can't put it into words. I don't know what I'm feeling. And people bug me to blog and I don't want to right now. I just don't.

As I said before. I miss when I used to blog with a real purpose. Now I blabber endlessly..with no real focus. I want to wait until I can really really realllly blog.

I have a relationship and I could blog about that. But I know she'll read it. And knowing that might change what I say. And does it matter if I'm only going to say good things? I don't know. I think it gives the things less value. Am I really saying them because I feel them or only because it makes her happy? I think it's because I feel them! But sometimes I worry it's not. Like I'm playing some elaborate trick on myself :S

I do have one conclusion. I hate the noise msn makes. It makes me want to punch things. Like a lot.... And I don't know how to turn it off! >=

FUCK. I'm taking a break from blogging. I'm sorry readers D: Who await my every word! Drooling over your computers in anticipation.

I will return! BETTER THAN EVER!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Emotes are so very important when you're talking to someone in texts or on the internet! At least to me they are :O They add a facial expression to what you're saying which gives the person reading it an idea of the emotion behind it! You can tell if someones being sarcastic, or is snapping at you. You can tell if someone is in a good mood or a bad mood!

When people don't use emotes I have no clue how to feel about what is being said because I don't know how they feel. And being a negative nancy I will usually assume someones in a bad mood or is angry with me :P


So my friends did that thing they always do where I don't want to go to something and they bug me and bug me and bug me and bug me and bug me until I suck it up and go :P And I almost always end up having fun :P I say it's cause I'm sick but it probably isn't :P I'm just nervous about social situations I haven't experienced before D: And I haven't been on too many party buses, let alone with a girlfriend! :O So you know... :$

Anywayssss. I got the besssst birthday present anyone ever gave me about a week ago? or so.. I have never gotten anything like this before :O It made me feel amazing :) I don't really feel comfortable saying what it is...cause. I don't know :P I've got to keep SOME THINGS private right? lol

And by the way...Playstaion Network? If you're not back Sunday at the LATEST. I will go to Japan and jump up and down until another earthquake happens. Just sayin'

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Forced Cannabalism and Hugs :3

Okay so first of all. It's Mothers Day and I love my mommy. I got a pretty sweet one and am a pretty hardcore momma's boy if I may say so myselfff. I went out and bought her a hanging basket of flowers this morning :P That's my usual mothers day thing is I get up and first thing I go buy her flowers :P The living kind not the kind thats been decapitated and will slowly decompose in our kitchen. So I've made blog posts about how awesome my mom is before so i won't do another one. But she's awesome :P

Oh and another thing. I think I'm sick right now? I feel kinda shitty lol Headache is constant, sore throat and general tiredness. But I'm not going to change anything I'm doing. That is not the Sea Cucumber way :P The Sea Cucumber ignores that he is sick and does everything he normally would do! Even during school I'm pretty sure I missed a week of school in grade 7ish throwing up and then never missed anything after that. If I did I was skipping and not sick xD (Sorry teachers :P)

I watched the social network last night. I'm pretty sure most of that movie is straight bullshit :P That is all. xD


I usually prefer not to discuss how much money I have. But someone always wants to know. And when I tell them they tell me how jealous they are and stuff. And they ask why i don't have a car yet and why I still live at home and why I always wear the same clothes and why I never get new things.

Well because I don't do all those things is why i have money. I'm not going to tell the world what I've got saved up because it's not everyones business and I refuse to brag about this kind of thing. I've never got how some people can have no money saved and continue to buy new phones and clothes all the time :S

I will never understand thattt.

Me? I'm buying the parentals car after I finish my program for cheapness. And it's in good condition. I'll get my nice job and I'll live at home for maybe another year before I move out :P I've got my plan all set and I'm not straying. I'm not going to go spend 400 dollars on strippers in a weekend no matter how much my friends want me to :P


Playstation Network. I had to mention it eventually. It's been down for weeks. And up until now I've been doing a darn good job of distracting myself with my awesome girlfriend and my friends :P But I need it back D: I NEED IT BACK D: I NEED CALL OF DUTY. I WANT TO PLAY.

Also. What is more yummy? Orange suckers or Yellow suckers :P THEY ARE BOTH SO GOOD. WHAT DO I SUCK ON FIRST?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I Sound Like a Teacher From Charlie Brown?

Sometimes no one listens to Anthony even if he makes his opinion very clearrrrrrrr. Sometimes I'm not sure if they just accidentally ignore what I say or if they hear it but it isn't what they want to do so they pretend I didn't say it :O Who can ever really know? :O

It can be quite frustrating.

Oh and you know what else bugs me. People who like to be fashionably late. I know one or two of those guys. And it just pisses me off lol I know you know when what we are doing started and I know you aren't doing shit and are just sitting at home lol

Edit: Man that man period sucks ass dont it? ^^ I always come back and re read things and realize I need to calm my tits.

Even with these things I still had a pretty good time with cheesecake and cookies and mah friends watching Machete kill people last night :P Note my previous blog post? :P lol

Taking the Sea Otter (formerly known as girlfriend but is still my girlfriend but wont be known by that name anymore) out do dinner and a movie on Saturday :) A REAL ORGANIZED DATE? ME? Yeah. I do those occasionally :P

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Is that a rainbow in my toilet? Why is this happening. I kinda wanna take  apicture because no one is going to believe me that I shti out a rainbow, Does that mean I'm a wizard? He didn't spell shit right either. It even tells you you dont spell things right you know. So if you type everything I say if I say something thats bad towards you... why did my turtle run away? Pretzel says "I love Taylor Lautner" Is that how you spell his name? I dont think thats how you spell his name because it has a little squiglee under his name. But then again...SLURPEE. APPLE POTATO BIG MUSCLE PIE SAW DOUGHNUT CHEESE CAKE COCA COLA BOTTLE LAMP PS3 STERO PILLOW KLEENEX BOX SOME STRANGE STAING


\\THIS IS GOING TO CONFUSE THE SHIT OUT OF PEOPLE. nuuuuu whyyyyyy! did you type that in *clayton impersonates meagan* "NUUUUU WHYYYYYYY. THATS YOU. thats how you sound|"

Hehehehe. I hate you. Hehehehe. Why is that still playing. Its been playing for like an hour! Elephantitis on the balls. Supercalifradjilisticexpealadocious. You spelt it wrong. ITS IN THE DARK! You spelt it wrong.

You cant type what you say thats cheating. We're really posting this I hope you know that. We have to. People are going to think you're schizophrenic. BITCHESSSSSS. I was just gunna say good job. Wow thats good spelling. Hehehehe. Huuuuuuuuha. Cheesecake. So can we squeeze your girlfriends boobs now? QUESTION MARK>


glory hole
kum soon kim
you spelt it right? yeah i remember you told me it a long time ago. i remembered. november. if i dance will you type that in? im just going to keep talking now.

LALALALALALAAAAAAAAAAAA whos foot is that? mine. i wonder if i can tickle it with my foot. With my goo? FOOOOOT. Gooch? He said foot. I know and I typed in gooch. You're weird. you just missed that whole conversation by the way. im going to take a nap on that couch im tired. cause ive been....

awake for eight hours now?

eight and a half hours thank you very much. oh oh oh oh im sorrry. snap snap snap snap/ hehehhe. theres a song that goes like that. i love that song. i wanna listen to that song now. your vag. no one cares.

i think thats what he said. no. he said "third batch"... oh....


i should be a typing artist like seriously. you know its called a typist and there are jobs like that. like YOU HEAR THIGNS AND TYSL8EEJM KY 6EFE=\EWPMjm8h8741JH123369nb8557/ALLS IN MV

move your car. stop touching my boobs. theyre delicious. i hope so. i dont know i didnt eat one but they said they were good and i didnt eat one.

everyones a hater. xan i show you a video? im going to show it anyway.


Monday, May 2, 2011

CUM STAINS + Parades + L

Yeah. I went dirty for this one. Sorry xD My dad always used to say that he wanted to name his dog "Stains" so he can go to the park and yell "Cum Stains!" and no one could get mad :P

I had a pretty amazing weekend :) I spent a lot of it with my two best friends and my gurrrrrrrl :P Scary Movies and being a total lightweight for the win! lol

And morning cuddling :P That shit rocks :D

Anyways back on to real topics that aren't just about my life. GENERALITY FOR THE WIN!!

You ever see a possible couple and realize that if they got together there are people out there that might get angry? :O Some people have problems letting go of things... It's funny because I had this girlfriend once and she broke up with me. And my friend kinda sorta wanted to go out with her. And I let him :)

I didn't like it. But my reasoning was that it was my problem with what someone else wants to do. And I don't really get to dictate how other people live their lives. So I told him he could date her and all lived happily ever after! :) I dealt with any issues I had on my own because they were my issues. And I got over it :P

That's my opinion on that kind of thing anyways. If someone has a problem, it's their problem. Don't let them rain on your parade. And don't tell me I don't know because I was the one with the problem, I know what it's like! :P

Now on tooo the "L" word :O I've used it for two people now. The first time I wasn't 100% sure about it when I said it and I know I was wrong...but how was I supposed to know? I still had felt things I hadn't before then and wasn't sure about what they were :O lol But watcha gunna do? :P It takes time to learn the meaning of the word. Can I say 100% absolutely utterly I have learned what it is? Hell no. But I'm closer than I have been before! And that means I'm on the right track :) <3

Oh and I'm turning 19 in just over a week. I'm so unbelievably pumped.


Here's a meme :3 PARANOID PARROT